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Do you remember in 2016, there was talk that Trump (and Melania) didn't want to win and that he simply wanted to enhance his brand?

With the Mueller Report, there's no doubt that the Russians interfered enough so Trump 'won' and damaged the USA. But was much of this actually without collusion by Trump? I really don't know. 🤷‍♀️

But what I do know is the Mueller Report proves that without Russian interference, we would have President Hillary Clinton right now.

The question I ask daily is:
How would Republicans be reacting if Putin had committed these crimes [b]for HRC because he wanted her as POTUS? This is a legitimate question.[/b]
SWMae · 26-30, F Pinned Comment
The Mueller report does not prove Ms. Clinton would be President now.
Ha! I saw that one coming. It's the same response...

And yet no one answered my question, "How would Republicans be reacting if Putin had committed these crimes FOR Hillary Clinton because he wanted her as POTUS?" Seriously, tell me Republicans, how you would be reacting? It's not a difficult question.
SWMae · 26-30, F
@GunSmoke9 She won. You simply refuse to accept the truth. But answer my question please. How would Republicans be reacting if Putin had committed these crimes for HRC because he wanted her as POTUS?
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
@SWMae If Hillary won then why is Trump president? Russia has been interfering in our elections for years. Republicans would not be blaming Russia. They would also ask did any votes changed because of Russia? Russia didn't care who won. Just wanted to cause disruption.
katielass · F
@SWMae You can see the repub's reaction every day. They are reacting to the dumtard's efforts to frame Trump and stage a coup. That's much worse than putting a few ads on facebook, to be sure, but it might give you an idea.

If someone breaks into your house and commits crimes from there, are you in collusion with them? Should you be prosecuted?

The Mueller report does not prove Ms. Clinton would be President now. It proves the Russians were muddying the election waters but there is no way to prove how much effect their intrusions had on the final result.

What I see as true is that those on both sides who perpetuate the division and strife between factions are themselves in de facto collusion with the Russians. This was their goal, to weaken the United States and prevent anybody from taking any real action on anything. It worked and it is working. With our enthusiastic assistance.
@Mamapolo2016 If you challenged them to, publicly—you’re on record. No speculation involved.
It's not speculation that the Obama administration knew. My point is not that ours is good and yours is bad - it's that none can be trusted. That's my last comment on this.@bijouxbroussard
@Mamapolo2016 Doesn’t change the fact that this president is in office now—plagued by scandal after scandal—and yet people continue to make excuses for him.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
They would be going apoplectic. Hell, they were ablaze in hate when Obama wore a tan suit. But constant lying and obstruction of justice by Trump? Not a problem.
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
@LvChris There is a strong Trump pathology in many of the people who adore him. Something is missing in their lives that Trump completes.
HerKing · 61-69, M
How would Republicans be reacting if Putin had committed these crimes for HRC because he wanted her as POTUS? This is a legitimate question.

The very question I have pondered. 😉
midnightsun · 26-30, M
People still discussing politics with random strangers online? Oh, poor kids.
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
@midnightsun This is the political section.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
What crimes did Putin and the Russians commit that helped Trump win this election?
katielass · F
@therighttothink50 It must be the ads the russians put on facebook that changed the outcome of the election. Interesting though not one person has claimed any ads changed their mind about who they were voting for, so I am pretty sure those ads had abut as much influence as Trump pointing out how corrupt that bitch was, is and always will be. I know her bought and paid for Russia info didn't effect Trump's votes.
Fernie · F
Yeah! Whew'!!!! Good thing we didn't have to deal with Hillary's emails huh?
DownTheStreet · 51-55, M
Yawn this is so 2016
SWMae · 26-30, F
@DownTheStreet Trump will be impeached or forced to resign. This is 2019 and you need to catch up.
DownTheStreet · 51-55, M
Okay kiddo, whatever you believe, whatever your liberal teachers and favorite websites say. @SWMae
katielass · F
@SWMae god but you're dumb. Most of your comrades have at least figured out that they've been misled. Actually, lied to by the corrupt left wing media. Obviously, you're not one of the brighter ones.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Reality about to smack the fantasy world.
katielass · F
Darling, that was bullshit put out by the idiot left. They also claimed Trump was a hitlery plant. Most people know not to take them seriously. lol
HerKing · 61-69, M
@katielass Trump also claimed the election was rigged...He was right, FOR him.
The Republicans would recognize it for the conspiracy that it has been. They see conspiracy even it when doesn’t exist, so there is no way they would’ve let things stand if those 13 Russian nationals involved in election interference had been trying to get Hillary elected.
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