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What A Loser

Trump, re-tweeted an attack on George Conway, also known as Mr.. Kellyanne Conway, and added "What a loser".

This was part of a Trump Twitter barrage on "Fake News". Everyone else knows it as journalism and reporting the truth.

How does the Conways marriage survive? Sure, people can have differences of opinions, and remain partners, but when your boss calls your husband a loser, and your husband calls your boss every possible name in the book?
Writer · 100+, F
I wonder about two issues here:

1- people finding Trump worthy to lead them.
2- Kellyanne not only allowing someone to disrespect her husband but also deciding to continue to work for the man. I would have slapped the man on national TV.

Who are these lowlives?
Northwest · M
@Writer Look around SW. He does not need to sell himself to these folks, as he represents their beliefs: racism, xenophobia, sexism, etc.

I have no idea how she can still be married. Not the first situation came up. She's not only defending Trump, she's the chief architect of his lies.
SmartKat · 61-69, F
What I don’t understand is how the Trump cult just believes everything Donald says - hook, line, and sinker. I *still* haven’t figured that one out.
Caprice · 41-45, F
I'm sure George Conway is heartbroken over Trump calling him a loser 🤣
Northwest · M
@Caprice I'm certain he's not, but it's about his wife and their relationship, not her boss.
Byron8by7 · M
I am reminded of the husband and wife team of James Carville and Mary Matalin. Carville was a campaign advisor to Bill Clinton, and Matalin worked for Reagan, and for Bush 41 and Bush 43. I always wondered how they made their marriage work.
Northwest · M
@Byron8by7 Sure, I remember them, and that's the first couple I thought of. They, however, were not trading jabs, and neither of their bosses called the other's spouse a loser, or anything at all for that matter (as far as I can remember). They used to appear on the same show, to counter each other's points, but did it politely, using facts and figures, not alternative reality.
Byron8by7 · M
@Northwest They were eminently civilized, as I recall. Sadly, that is a bygone era.
The "Stable Genius" and his "Well oiled Machine" of the WH staff? And someone asked me a few days ago, "What MESS" ? It's like binge watching, THE THREE STOOGES and THE MARX BROTHERS movies combined 24 hours a day 7 days a week only it's not a comedy it's friggin REALITY. " MAGA "
HannahSky · F
You don't think she loves the attention and her husband is doing it with her full permission?
HannahSky · F
@Northwest they may not even be living in the same house anymore
HannahSky · F
@Northwest but she'll take any kind of spin she can get, doubt it bothers her at all
Northwest · M
@HannahSky She was talking about how Catholic she is, and all that. Did she go to the Vatican with Trump, or was she concerned she would burst out in flames?
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