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Do you feel that an individual is worthy of your scorn and derision,

simply for holding a different political ideology than you? Do you believe that your political position strengthened by bullying your opposition through ad hominem?
BlueVeins · 22-25
Definitely depends on the dissenting view. Someone thinks the death penalty should be on the table for killers? We can live in harmony. Someone thinks the death penalty should be on the table for apostates? We've got a problem.
MildlyInappropriate · 51-55, M
Understood. Do you think your position would be strengthened by calling your debate opponent names, instead of engaging in a spirited debate on the merits from both sides? Assuming that the other debater is engaging in a good faith argument for their position, of course. @BlueVeins
BlueVeins · 22-25
@MildlyInappropriate In general, I keep debates (that I take seriously) as civil and fact-based as possible, because that's kind of my wheelhouse and I'm pretty sure it's most effective. But that's really more about strategy and advancement than what anyone 'deserves.' I will say, though, that it often becomes necessary to insult your opponent in bitter debates like these because it forces them to change certain attitudes and behaviors that they would otherwise be unwilling to abandon in the face of perfect reasoning.
MildlyInappropriate · 51-55, M
Agreed. I always WANT to take the high road and keep it civil, but sometimes, it just isn't possible in certain contexts. @BlueVeins
ChampagneOnIce · 51-55, F
It depends. Any kind of hateful speech or thoughts, religious fanaticism calling for the eradication of others who don’t believe the same way they do? Yes, I will speak out against them, stand up to them, do what I can to negate their rhetoric if I encounter it directly.

Having a difference of opinion is fine with most things, but when it leads to thinking murder or torture or harming others is ok, I have a problem with that, and I do not respect those who hold such beliefs.
MildlyInappropriate · 51-55, M
Thanks to everyone for the thoughtful comments and discussion - you renew my hope in humanity, right when I think we have fallen into nothing but hate memes!
Magenta · F
Worthy? Perhaps not the person per se, but some ideas and ideologies are worthy of it.

Most that are that adamant to engage in bullying are just trying to have their way/be right... it would mostly be a waste of breath and energy to be a martyr. In the right situation I would defo stand firm.
HeavenBesideYou · 56-60, F
Nope. I don’t think any of that at all. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and point of view, including me.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
Not at all. Even if I think people hold badly informed views or borderline offensive views, you should be polite.

However, if they are nasty then I'm no choir boy.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
Depends on the ideology.
MildlyInappropriate · 51-55, M
A hateful group, to be sure, but my question is, do you think that engaging in ad hominem when debating them helps strengthen your position? I would 100% agree that their ideology is worthy of scorn and derision, to be clear. @QuixoticSoul
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@MildlyInappropriate I don’t think my position needs to be strengthened when it comes to nazis 🤷‍♂️

Debating them is also a waste of time. But mockery is good for the soul.
MildlyInappropriate · 51-55, M
I feel you on that. I wish that I could always remain above the fray of stupidity, but sometimes I find myself down in the muck, slinging mud myself. @QuixoticSoul
Sinnerwithaheart · 56-60, F
Not at all.
BexEyes · 46-50, F

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