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katielass · F
Of course it's a fraud, just like the claims in woodward's book. But it is unprecedented. Never before has a political party gone so far to try to undo an election. Can anyone sing Desperado? lol
woolenmittens · 31-35, F
@katielass WRONG Trumpism has nothing to do with conservative Republicanism. Your ilk are a disgusting representation of the GOP. Buckle up sweet heart ... it's going to be a bumpy ride. But hey, going by your perverted groups, you may like it. LOL!!!

Northwest · M
Glad you agree with the WaPo piece, specifically:

Reporters have done remarkable work over the past couple of years in documenting how President Trump’s Cabinet and staff have freaked out over his incompetence.

And that quote you picked, I'm sure you realize it's an acknowledgment of the incompetence of Trump. Yes, the OpEd author is trying to wash his hands from the whole thing, by saying "hey, my buddies and are I trying to protect the American people, from this idiot".

Of course, since you agree with all this, seeing that you read and absorbed the WaPo OpEd, there is something you can do: admit that you vote was not net positive for our nation, and vote differently in November.
eli1601 · 70-79, M
@Northwest Obsess much
Northwest · M
@eli1601 I figured you would have nothing to say.
eli1601 · 70-79, M
@Northwest Obsess Much
So, the WashPo hired a media critic to criticize the NYT for hype? Hmmm. Maybe they're in competition?
Northwest · M
@woolenmittens You get what you voted for. I agree with you, the traditional GOP could not believe its luck when Trump won. They get to pass the blame the "crazy guy", in the meanwhile, their agenda is getting through.

Sessions, even with all the shit the President throws his way, has done the most damage (from my perspective). The same goes for the EPA Administrator, the Sec. of Education, the Sec. of Energy, Immigration policy, white power, etc.

They think they can contain him, but I am not sure this is the case, or that a single NYT anonymous OpEd, will allow them to redeem themselves, and I agree that the NYT should have done its own OpEd, in response to the OpEd, but the WaPo beat them to it.

They, however, unleashed the Genie, and their calculus may not be on point. Look at what happened to Iran, when the intellectuals/middle class, thought they can use Kohemini, to fight the Shah, and when the Shah is overthrown, they can swoop in and take power. I mean, who's going to follow this simpleton, extremist, unpredictable, religiously extreme Khomeini, right?
eli1601 · 70-79, M
@Northwest obsess much
woolenmittens · 31-35, F

Jealous much? You should be.
katielass · F
@wollenmittens: Wrong. They don't exist. Trump has fulfilled every promise he made and I don't believe anyone is dumb enough to believe he had other plans that he has kept under his vest. He can't help but talk about what he's doing. There is no one preventing him from doing anything. There is no one hiding anything so he can't sign it.

This is obviously a very elementary attempt to erode Trump's support. Realizing they aren't going to get him on the Russia thing or obstruction they have no other recourse. They want to get rid of him but with almost 100% support of his voters that would be impossible. Now the goal is to erode that support so they can do whatever they want and no one will care. It will fail, just as everything they've tried has failed.
woolenmittens · 31-35, F
@katielass Who's @wollenmittens ? LOL

How anyone takes you seriously -- when you cannot even get a username correct -- is beyond me.

Peddle your biased investigative skills elsewhere. No one is interested.
akindheart · 61-69, F
And a fake plant at that. don't you find the timing coincidental..sleeper cells ...yeah right

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