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China. They're bullying our fishermen
Aliengel · 26-30, M
For me its israhell because they bomb Palestinian cities
Mysti · 51-55, F
@Aliengel do you realize that hamas fires missles indiscriminately into Israel regularly. Have been doing this for years. I remember back in the eighties hearing news reports daily about Palestinian suicide bombers blowing up busses in Israel on a daily basis. These are reasons for the excessive and violent security confrontations at the borders. Nobody is innocent here. I hope you take some time to research years of history to see why things are the way the are now.
Countries aren't a problem its the people in them.
Lot of them
I guess it would be any country that will take action against someone for wanting equality.
ScrewThisImDone · 26-30, F
Any country that bans punishing kids, it's no wonder they're all little assholes!
wintersecret · 41-45, M
every country has bitterness towards other country
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Aliengel · 26-30, M
Liberals would disagree