Miram · 31-35, F
what I know is that Turkey wasn't allowed in European economic unions and trade deals despite their numerous attempts until the last world major economic crisis. The union extended an invitation and Turkey declined knowing it would mean less pressure for European countries in dealing with the crisis.
Keraunos · 36-40, M
Holy shit, I haven't seen these cartoons in a few years. Not from either of those countries, but the meaning of the Turkish ball seems pretty clear (EU dangling the prospect of membership before them forever with no intentions to ever actually grant it).
Not sure about the context for the Philippines, given that it's been a member of ASEAN for a good half-century now and stands in no obvious analogical relationship to Turkey vis-à-vis the EU in the apparent context of the image. I'm tempted to think the creator messed up on the flags and meant to put Taiwan looking forlorn on the outside. Seems unlikely given the specificity of commentary for the other countries, but maybe he was making it while he was high or something.
Not sure about the context for the Philippines, given that it's been a member of ASEAN for a good half-century now and stands in no obvious analogical relationship to Turkey vis-à-vis the EU in the apparent context of the image. I'm tempted to think the creator messed up on the flags and meant to put Taiwan looking forlorn on the outside. Seems unlikely given the specificity of commentary for the other countries, but maybe he was making it while he was high or something.