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Poll: What was behind the First Lady's jacket?

Poll - Total Votes: 12
She wasn't trying to send a message
She was told to wear it by the WH to create a controversy and cover
She was told to wear it by the WH to encourage his base to not care
She chose to wear it to send a message to her husband
She chose to wear it to challenge people's apathy
She chose to wear it to call out the media
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I'm still really curious about the First Lady's wardrobe choice on her trip to the border. It's not adding up.

It's safe to say it wasn't an accident. She's very well-known for her taste in clothes and, as a former model, very in touch with fashion. She didn't wear a $39 jacket on a whim. It was hot out and she only wore it when she was getting on and off the plane. She also wore it while walking back in to the White House after the trip.

The statement from her office is that there was "no hidden message." Not long after that, Trump said it was a statement about the "fake news" media.

IF she was told to wear it, why did the first statement say there wasn't a message? Why did Trump need to clarify?

IF she made the choice on her own, what was her point and who was it for?

QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
That was a bit odd, and seems unlike her. Melania doesn't seem to be a fan of making politicized statements in general, she seems to like children, and I've never seen her wear any other cheap articles of clothing made for edgy teenagers.

I vote "borrowed from a staffer without looking because she was chilly", personally.
Graylight · 51-55, F
See, to me, it really doesn't matter what the motives were, though I'd like to know out of curiosity.

Fact is, she and God knows how many of her staffers were well aware of the current immigration situation. Whether it was to troll the media, send a message to her husband or some kind of statement about immigration, one person should have pointed out how utterly tone-deaf it would be to wear such a jacket.

It's like flying the confederate flag at a Florida A&M game and then saying you just wanted people to know you were from the south.

The White House no longer sits anywhere near the zip code of reality.
Ynotisay · M
@Graylight Tone deaf. Yeah. Bigley tone deaf. And that's the thing I don't get. If she wanted to make a statement was THAT the trip to do it on? And with that message? If you wanted to call out the media wouldn't it make more sense to be so specific that no one would question the statement? Wouldn't you have your official statements in order first, knowing there would be a response? It just doesn't make sense to me. My take? It was a fuck you to her husband. The media has been pretty gentle with her given how she's chosen to do her duty as First Lady. It's just nuts no matter how you look at it though
Graylight · 51-55, F
@Ynotisay If the media treats anyone with a modicum of respect, it's Melania. I find it amusing that her husband would like us to buy the line that she's standing up for him against the unfair and unkind light the media tries to throw on him. I'm more likely to believe she silently smiles to herself more than not.
Ynotisay · M
@Graylight I agree. I've got to guess she's counting the days before her contract expires and she gets the money she's been after.
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
That it was a message to Trump himself is an angle I hadn't considered and would make some sense, but really I don't know and it's all conjecture.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
I never had much to say about her. She never wanted to be FLOTUS but she messed this one up real bad.
ChampagneOnIce · 51-55, F
I think she knew exactly what she was wearing and doing, and I think it was to troll the media.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Everything else she has worn out the media has made fun of.
So she wore this to say... I don't care!
Not hard to figure.
Mysti · 51-55, F
Really don't care.
I asked about that earlier and am still not clear. Her defenders were Johnny on the spot asserting that she had “the right” to wear it without any speculation as to what her motives might’ve been.
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Ynotisay · M
@HipYoungDude Shit. I tried to be sort of cool and you just needed a littttle too much attention, huh? Now I gotta' block ya'. No choice.
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Ynotisay · M
@HipYoungDude Sorry dude. Gotta' drop ya' in the little garbage can for that one.

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