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If you could nuke 1 city, which would it be?

I would nuke Istanbul. I'm petty that way.
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purplepen · 51-55, F
I'd rather not nuke anything because too many people are destroying themselves anyway.
Arzawa · 31-35, M
@purplepen Why don't you like helping people?
purplepen · 51-55, F
@Arzawa LOL
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carsonfry · 22-25, M
That would make a great start. That could change the world for the better than ending another country.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
That would make a great start.

Start of what? World starvation.

The United States has been described as the "the world’s wheat storage tank."

Or you ignorant of which way the Pacific westerlies blow?
St0ut · 51-55, M
Why Istanbul though?🤔 There are many countries/nations I'm really not a fan of but I wouldn't nuke any city.
@Arzawa grandma's family came from Anatolia and my grandpa's from Russia. Both trying not to get kilked by Turks. But all this hate only causes problems to us still living here.
Arzawa · 31-35, M
@SW-User I don't know. It feels like you guys ignore us. I understand why. You want better political and economic relations with your neighbor. For a lot of us though, like the Armenians, our ethnic identity is tied to the genocide.

I went to a greek festival here in the US on the anniversary of the Pontic genocide and they didn't know what Pontus was. It enraged me. So much of what is greek has been forgotten.
@Arzawa No one ignores you and there are people over here who would praise you right now. What I'm saying is that more hate is the last thing we need at this point. Yes, fight for our rights and the Turks must finally accept and admit that the genocide was real but we can't keep hating each other. And I'm talking both about Greeks and Turks
I know it’s my own country lol but that particular city has a triangular looking building filled with clowns this country could do without.
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
whole of venezuela tbh
Arzawa · 31-35, M
@basilfawlty89 In Venezuela the government seizes private property and companies as well as sets market prices. Market Socialism. Look it up.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
@Arzawa false. That's not what market socialism at all. Market socialism refers to mutualism which has never been used saved for worker's coops I'm the world.

Venezuela is about as socialist as China i.e in name only.
Arzawa · 31-35, M
@basilfawlty89 Then what would you call it? Crony Capitalism/Kleptocracy along with superficial elements of wealth distrubution?
Xuan12 · 36-40, M
Whichever one you're in you warmonger! XD
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
Stay classy
That’s a difficult question. Because I would just choose a city that I hate and I hate a lot.
VeronicaPrincess · 61-69
I'd nuke Atlantis - it's probably fictional, and at the bottom of the ocean if real, so no one would get hurt.
katielass · F
Meh, no place really. The cities I'd be interested in obliterating are killing themselves so I don't have to lift a finger.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Surgical strike on Chappaqua NY only and only when you know who is in residence. @katielass
Sharky86 · 36-40, M
Istanbul? Such a place of culture? Omg.
I'd erase a lot of USA LOL
Arzawa · 31-35, M
@Sharky86 Once the radiation subsides, the greeks can have it back.
Fernie · F
I see ya deleted my comment ya cowardly war monger
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Why the hell would I want to nuke anyone? Because of some vendetta I should wipe out innocent men, women and children?

Also, you do realize there are Greeks, Circassians and Armenians living in Istanbul right now, right? You're really gonna subject them to that? Also, it's near Greece, so you'll be destroying Greece due to contamination and blast radius. Not to mention water levels rising.

I know Turks were dicks to y'all, but killing innocent Turks won't fix things, and surely causing the deaths of Armenians in Instanbul who suffered the worst at the hands of the Turks would be monstrous.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Surgical strike on Chappaqua NY only and only when you know who is in residence.

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