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Are Black and White Americans one people or two separate peoples inhabiting the same land?

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MethDozer · M Best Comment
Man I bet the brown, tan, yellow, and red Americans must really feel left out.
@MethDozer nobody fingers me at those 'White' orgies i go to..

Amylynne · 26-30, F
we hve been divided, on purpose, by those that are selling off our nation and our economy. fear ignorance and anger have harmed out nation.
all white people are not alike
all balck people are not alike
that this question is asked? illustrates this well
Amylynne · 26-30, F
@TexChik that you use "lib" right out of the box betrays a preconception, based on Pop-cult politics. and in your use equates to a bigoted title like chink or wetback etc. You do not know who or what i am, and assume a wide array of detail that are not the case. Please note i have not called you names, in response
to parrot the views of the corporate propaganda mill, is not forming an opinion, only repeating one
focused on seeing others as under, or lesser or other. seeing people as only one of two kinds, is focused to the point of myopia, closed to the wider views that perspective gives. to Quote a Famous Lady Texan
"to understand these ol' boys, you need to realize the 3 legged stool of Machismo, Anti-intellectualism and religiosity"

but i will not assume, until you choose to show otherwise, that you are parroting. your life experiences or exposure to disinformation is not a full measure of who you are. I welcome you to civil discussion.
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Amylynne · 26-30, F
Lib, globalist, leftist
I know that for you those are names of the enemy, i do not hide what i am or think, i have positions on both sides of that issue. I'm a gun totin horse ridin' back country western girl, And a educated, open minded part time back easterner.
what i am really concerned about is how so many of my fellow citizens have been turned against one another by these artificial distinctions. the purpose of that is to keep us distracted from the things that are going on.
Globalism IS a threat, especially to American jobs and our ever worsening money value. corporate media, (90% of all tv radio newspapers etc.)
the question is, why do you think you have to see me as an enemy?
What?????? Everyone is an individual.
Arzawa · 31-35, M
@SW-User Open your eyes. Individualism on the left is dead. It is all about group identity.
@Arzawa My eyes are open dude. You obviously haven't noticed the homogenization that's been occurring for a long time. Pretty soon our progeny will look like a beautiful milk chocolate, mixed with caramel, red velvet, and lemon drop filling.
TexChik · F
Democrats would have you to believe blacks, whites, and 34 genders are all at odds .. conservatives mean while are seeing the lowest unemployment rate for blacks in the history of the country .
Arzawa · 31-35, M
@questionWeaver Politicians are worse than Statisticians.
@Arzawa they could well be ... both are bottom feeders
TexChik · F
@Arzawa to some
We are highly intertwined ... and much more alike than different.

In cities, there are Polish neighborhoods, Irish, Italian, Asian, Quaker ... etc ... It is just natural to not move far from mom. It does not mean Irish and Italians are separated.
blueberrycake · 31-35, F
We're all earthlings. If another species invaded our planet, we'd quickly realize that.
patkaren1717 · 41-45, M
The Blacks are very different from White people.
BeachBum · F
All are invaders.
BeachBum · F
Those early first people (it is theorised and guestimated by some historans) arrived in the americas region 40,000 years ago and are referred to as paleo indians.

There are no formal records prior to the 15th century.
Regardless, there was an established network of tribes when Europeans invaded & subequently brought african slaves to their soil.

Neither of which are very considerate towards the traditional inhabitants of the land.
Amylynne · 26-30, F
@BeachBum actually there are formal records in mesoamerica, just not in western languages. not my forte, but i took the prerequisite classes.
current DNA dates to about 25,000 years, older dates are speculative.
it is interesting to note that the oldest dna, is of people that when extinct pretty far back as well, Current native populations are not of that genetic range, as so are themselves interlopers.
I DO love history.
the paisley caves in oregon have human DNA that dates back 14,000 (pre clovis)
BeachBum · F
@Amylynne well thanks. That is quite interesting 😊

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