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AloeAllie · 22-25, F
None. But his lawyer had paid for dozens and been mysteriously reimbursed by a shell company for them.
AloeAllie · 22-25, F
@AloeAllie best answer
AloeAllie · 22-25, F
Yay! @SW-User

Too bad he can't go back in time and pay for his own
@SW-User I laughed out loud at that...😆
Are HPV and HIV the same (twice)??

The "Stable Genius"
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@softspokenman Who you gonna believe ; Donald Trump or your lyin' eyes ?
If I compare the history of the 2 business men, Trump University or founder of Microsoft and their number of lies, on public record, told to the citizens of the U.S. and the contribution that each has given to improving the Human Condition in the country, is there really any question about which one to believe ? @RodionRomanovitch
☺ @RodionRomanovitch My lyin eyes AND my lyin ears also.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Please provide a factual link that supports this accusation.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
It reads like a novel that like a lot of novels COULD be true. @RodionRomanovitch
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@jackjjackson If you had to bet your house on who really impregnated that woman , would you bet on Broidy or Trump ?
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
JennyGa · 41-45, F
Let’s just say the number is 100. What does that have to do with anything?
Credability: The quality of being trusted and believed in. As the POTUS maybe ? ,@JennyGa
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@EarthlingWise Wasn't talking about sexual predators (although I recognize some women have made those kind of complaints against Trump). Both Lewinsky nor Stormy Daniels, which were who we were talking about, acknowledged they were willing, consensual participants.
HerKing · 61-69, M
@EarthlingWise Perhaps France. 'European' is gross generalisation and meaningless.
plinkplonk · F
Enough to have Cohen put on a stipend 😒
Most men just hope the problem go away quietly
without them having to spend any money
how many abortions do you think the average man pay for?
Donald probably paid for the best healthcare
"IF" abortions become illegal and birth control is unavailable, do you think that if one of his 3 daughters was raped and became pregnant that he wouldn't 'warm up' his private jet and fly them off to a country were it is legal in an immaculate hospital with the finest Dr's available and deny that he did that ? @SW-User * I wonder which direction Pence would be looking ?
HerKing · 61-69, M
I would include women he either has or attempted to pay off to keep quiet about his affairs in all the marriages up to and including his current one.
I have no idea. I guess it would depend how bad he wanted to hide the fact that he had sex with someone he didn't want others to know about.
I've no doubt that when Trump got somebody pregnant fooling around they were on their own. He used to claim to be pro-choice, back when he wasn't wooing the "Fundies".
@bijouxbroussard I think he either paid for the abortions or paid off the mothers or else we would have been seeing the mothers who didn't get abortions and the kids in the public eye.
lorne13 · 61-69, M
and how many golden showers?
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
does he know what an abortion is?

if he did...................

he wouldn't be president... he would not be forbes anything.............. he would be NOT.
JennyGa · 41-45, F
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Bill for STD treatment is probably even bigger. His ego doesn't strike me as that of a condom user.
TJNewton · M
I dont know but he is a great advert why women should have abortions

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