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I Like Politics

Alright so I was in my psych/soc class and my teacher was trying to convince the class that politics was a bad thing that only brought hate, and I disagree the real problem is the thinking that just because someone has a different political view than you that you should be mad about it. I,myself am a right wing Republican, but being in the generation I am many of my friends are either apathetic or liberal, and while this can be slightly annoying it has no basis on my friendships. In the words of one of my favorite quotes "I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it." What people need to understand is that people have a right to their own opinion no matter how "offensive" or "wrong" it is. For example I support Trump, I have since he first announced he was running. Now if you don't agree with that,great! Debate me. I love a good debate free of insults. As long as you have an intelligent argument I would be glad to hear it. Its the same way with me and my liberal friends, the ones that supported Hillary, that's fine but don't get mad at me for voicing my opinion or asking to debate you on yours. Anyways thats my rant for today thanks for listening.
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TexChik · F
No debate necessary ! MAGA 😁
Bonjovi11 · 22-25, M
@TexChik Lol maybe my last day is next thursday
TexChik · F
@Bonjovi11 get the diploma first ! Never trust a lib
Bonjovi11 · 22-25, M
@TexChik lol right

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