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If a black man can rise to president a black man can rise to billionaire.
Northwest · M
@SW-User There are no US black male billionaires.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@SW-User and if I run a race, I can finish it. It's just a lot harder if everyone shooting at me on the sidelines.
katielass · F
@SW-User No black man has "risen" to become president. We had one that was selected in the left's effort to usher in dramatic left wing changes and it was believed that no one would dare criticize him because he was black. Got that wrong didn't they.

No, and statistically it’s pretty clear they’re not. 50 years is not enough time to completely level what has been legally an uneven playing field for almost 250 years.
damselfly · 100+, F
I think there are a great many mega poor white people in 'Deliverance' parts of the USA, whose voices are never heard and who never are thought of when statistics are compiled. Nor is the depth of their poverty. Selecting cultures and minorities on a racial basis isn't really the best way to categorise in terms of poverty, since a black middle class exists, and when you get to the super rich it stops mattering what colour you are. But of course I see that the average Joe is at more of a disadvantage if he's black than if he's white.
Edit: but i'm in the uk
@damselfly In the U.S. it’s 9% of whites, 27% of blacks living in poverty. And as someone who is; being black and “middle class” can translate into being randomly stopped by police on suspicion of having stolen your own car, or, as in my sister’s case, a neighbor’s concern that you’re breaking into your own home.
damselfly · 100+, F
@bijouxbroussard Sorry if it sounds like I'm trying to 'mansplain.' I know there's a racism problem in Britain, but the b/w relationship has a different history and isnt as extreme as it is the usa. Plus there are black people included in the aristocracy. Ours problem was exacerbated after ww2. Men called up for the war were promised we'd all be middle class afterwards, but the politicians reneged on it. So commonwealth people were drafted in to do working class jobs for low wages, and became unwitting, easily recognisable (being black) pawns in a class warfare game
It's not a matter of "belief." Blacks are a minority group largely influenced financially (and otherwise) by racial/social-construct bias.
FreeSpirit1 · 51-55, F
Some are some aren't, same as white people, The amount of people is too large for blanket statements.
@FreeSpirit1 No, it actually isn’t, and there are respected statistics. We’re 12.3% of the population, with a fairly large percentage (27%) in poverty.
FreeSpirit1 · 51-55, F
@bijouxbroussard So 27 percent are not on an equal footing and 73 percent are on an equal footing?
I don't know any of the stats, I just don't think you can speak for a whole race of people and purport to ascertain why something is the way it is....things are more complicated than blanket statements.
@FreeSpirit1 Basically what the statistics indicate is the percentages of people living in poverty, and that is measurable.
GardenSage · 36-40, M
Opportunity is abstract and arbitrary and availabile for anyone who’s creative and clever enough to seize it
GarageSitter · 61-69, C
damselfly · 100+, F
No. They have the potential to be - look at the successes of the black people who hit the heights - but in the main are culturally undermined.
Northwest · M
If you go by poverty levels, then blacks are 20% more likely to be living in poverty than whites.

If you look at the per capita blacks in the 1%, then all you have to do, is to look at how many blacks are in the Forbes list of richest people. Hint: not that many.

The US has 540 $Billionaires, only one is black: Oprah
No but there are lots of factors which cause this. It's interesting to note, Hispanics are less equal to blacks, whites top blacks, Asians top whites! Lol
Graylight · 51-55, F
katielass · F
Of course not.

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