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Did you watch the President’s State of the Union speech last night? If so, what did you think?

akindheart · 61-69, F
There was an ugly story going around about the Otto Warmbleer (s?) family from ohio who refused to talk to Trump even though he sent a plane to get the poor kid who was near death from N Korea torture. ABSOLUTELY UNTRUE. HIS PARENTS WERE IN THE FRONT ROW AND LOOKED GRATEFUL TO ME. fake news on the lib part
katielass · F
@cherokeepatti yes, I thought....that's the mind of a dem. pretty much empty.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@katielass I saw shots of them messing with their phones during the speech, but Candy Crush....geez.
katielass · F
@cherokeepatti yeah, that's really too funny.
GenieLove · 31-35, F
I think it was wonderful i think our president is doing an amazing job unemployment for us black people are at a record low, hes doing something about criminals that shouldnt be here, he has a diverse team for ICE he and raised the child tax credit. Hes a wonderful President
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@katielass They are showing their asses is what they are doing, revealing their true colors when they acted that way in front of everyone in this country who cared to watch.
katielass · F
@cherokeepatti Yeah, clearly they are not rational. i know they take power seriously but this is absurd. They are harbouring some kind of hate all because they lost an election. Bizarre.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@GenieLove Black unemployment is the lowest ever among a previous slave population? No one has seen any tax savings whatsoever, but be happy if you do because we're going to pay for this tax bill for the next 15 years. And far, far more home-grown, bred in the ol' Red, White & Blue citizens commit crime than immigrants. Otherwise, it's a bang up job.
A very clever speech ... it was captivating ... showing the best side of America

Unfortunately it showcased the worst of the DEMS ... but, that was their chosing.

thank you for asking!
katielass · F
I watched it and it was excellent. equally entertaining was the sour look on the dem's faces. lol They just can't figure out how Trump keeps outsmarting them, because they have convinced themselves he's stupid, and they can't stand it. lol
Northwest · M
Impressive. 68 replies, but I can only see 24. This means there are 44 responses from Trump lovers who block me 👌
frequentlyme · 70-79, M
@Northwest I'm with you, I don't block anyone, not yet anyway. I want to hear what they have to say. One, I want to be able to rationally dispute their claims and assertions so that people get a more balanced view, and secondly, you never know when one of them might have a bit of real information to share. Nah, never mind, that probably won't happen 😉
@frequentlyme I hear that. I have a no block policy. Have only blocked two. I am really more interested in the views of people who disagree with me than those who agree with me.

Northwest · M
@CopperCicada @frequentlyme Agree, but I'll clarify that I don't block anyone for their political views. I have blocked a few people though. My policy:

1. When I see a post in the general feed, that starts with something like: I pooped my pants, I like to poop my pants, I like incest, i want a sugar daddy, etc. I click on block immediately.

2. When someone is belligerent, vulgar and stalk'ish.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@cherokeepatti The weren't booing at the family but at Trump's transparent and ignorant racism.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Graylight I'm pretty sure they didn't give a crap about that family.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@cherokeepatti Pretty sure you're not a mind reader. Also, the Dems don't simply hate brave and patriotic things arbitrarily,contrary to popular GOP myth.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
The Schiff is about to hit the fan.
frequentlyme · 70-79, M
I tried, he appeared, I felt ill, and turned it off. Make a correlation if you wish 😉.
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Steve42 · 56-60, M
The last thing I would do voluntarily is watch Trump run his mouth.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
Yes it was good
Wasn’t it the other night? Also, no. I think I would have lost brain cells trying to decipher his palinesque word salad.
It was like any other SOTU.
ladycae · 100+, F
i think he did a good job reading off a teleprompter.
ladycae · 100+, F
no but he lied every 4.5 seconds steve miller his speech writer must be an idiot bigly also.
@ladycae Someone else commented on that. Every 4 1/2 seconds is hard to comprehend.
ladycae · 100+, F
not when you consider he told over 4k lies between jan 20, 2017 and jan 2018!
No. His bragging and taking undeserved credit sickens me. I’m not sold on anything he says, so there was no point.
Someone here posted Rep. Kennedy’s response—it was more presidential than anything Trump has ever said.
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@AnnieMal Ohhhh, the man just makes me sooooo confused!!!
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