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Wasn't it nice to hear a message of hope and inclusion?

I didn't even know how much I needed this. What a breath of fresh air and hope after a year of slime and corruption. Kennedy didn't just read a speech. He spoke from his heart. I could feel his passion. It was refreshing to hear something other than hate, racism, bigotry, self praise and divisiveness.
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Serendipitymaybe · 51-55, M
Yes it was and I am a die hard liberal Democrat! But, please know that JFK and his bro Robert had many flaws that would have came out should they have lived. JFK really pushed us more into Vietnam.
JessieB · 31-35, F
@Serendipitymaybe I understand. But Joe Kennedy isn't JFK or Robert. Let him stand of his own accord.
Serendipitymaybe · 51-55, M
True but his last name got him attention. I like him! Let’s see what happens. Anyone will be better than Donald.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Representative Kennedy didn't mention single payer, cannabis, etc. But was nice to hear something positive for a change. The Republicans offer nothing. Nothing!
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Probably our next president.
JessieB · 31-35, F
@hunkalove Harris/Kennedy 2020!! 😉
TexChik · F
Hahahaha... that’s all the Libs are about ... hating trump . I guess I missed the lib response , I was too busy laughing at the faces Pelosi was making ... 😂
JessieB · 31-35, F
@frequentlyme Thank you!
Northwest · M

She read:

It was refreshing to hear something other than hate, racism, bigotry, self praise and divisiveness.

and naturally, she assumed it was about Trump, because who else would fit the bill? TexChick blocks me, so I only get to see her racist, divisive and xenophobic rants second hand.
frequentlyme · 70-79, M
@Northwest Somehow, the lady (term used loosely) hasn't blocked me yet... I am working on it 😁.
Very, very powerful. A more positive and presidential message than the sitting POTUS could ever have hoped to have delivered.
2boredEPers · 31-35, C
Honestly it was all talk of theory and wish lists with zero substance or specific examples of how or what to do. At least agent orange actually cited specifics. It’s just a shame he’s a crummy person
JessieB · 31-35, F
@2boredEPers Why would he give specific examples of how or what to do? He delivered a message, not a speech.
2boredEPers · 31-35, C
I just may be jaded on politics from both sides (registered independent). Seen too many “messages” delivered without much in the way of how to do what they are saying

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