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I guess there must be a reason to 'stir up a hornet's' nest. A little more blood won't make that much difference. People who know, know that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Other presidents including Obama have said they would do this. I thought perhaps the 'status quo' would save a few gallons of bloodshed, but 'what the hell'.... Party time!
Alan47 · 56-60, M
@puck61 Hopefully "Party time!" won't need to be engraved on any US embassy workers' tombstones.
@Alan47 The funny thing is , other than 'type', there's not a damn bit of difference between Jewish, Arab , and Christian blood. I am biased towards Judeo Christian culture and prejudiced towards Islam, but I don't think it's a greater tragedy depending on the religion or nationality of the victim. It's all tragic.

CountScrofula · 41-45, M Best Comment
Both Israel and Palestinians claim Jerusalem as their capital and it was intended as a split city. There's a lot of history behind it.

Every other country in the world avoids having an embassy in Jerusalem because it's a 'screw you' to the Palestinians and Arab states who back them and creates more problems and fighting. This was done while the US wanted to broker a peace deal.

So basically it too a nasty complicated situation and made it worse.
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CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@LvChris Yeah. And tellingly (like with most things), Trump does not actually understand the political complexity of what he's doing. He's just playing to his base.
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MasterLee · 56-60, M
Funny how when Obama said he would move the embassy, no one complained. Lol
@MasterLee And funny how no one complained when Bill Clinton and George W, said they would move the embassy as well. LMAO!
MasterLee · 56-60, M
lorne13 · 61-69, M
@BemyValentine they didnt its still Tel Aviv
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Israel says Jerusalem is its capital. For other countries to disagree is ridiculous. By agreeing with reality the President has positioned the US to the moral high ground and a position of strength. This is the way to broker a true piece deal. Not giving away the farm in advance for nothing.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Exactly how great has it gone for the last fifty years Dr Einstein? @RodionRomanovitch
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@jackjjackson So this will help ?
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
It won’t hurt. Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly expecting a different result. Changing the playing field may shake things up. Keep it the same has not. @RodionRomanovitch
Xuan12 · 31-35, M
Israel has been running most government operations out of Jerusalem, however all embassies focus themselves around Tel Aviv. The reason why isn't simple at all. Before Israel gained independence from Britain, the British had also promised control of the territory to Palestine. The end result was a hilarious patchwork type of map that crammed in both countries, and it was a bad idea. In war, Jordan annexed the region known as the West Bank. By 1949 the city of Jerusalem was partitioned into East and West. West in Israel, East in Jordan. Another war ensued, and Israel took control of the city. Jordan no longer controlled the West Bank, or any of Jerusalem, and the international community recognized the territory as it was originally intended, Palestine, since 90% of the people living there are Palestinians. But Israel disagrees. To this day, the world recognizes the West Bank as Palestinian, but Israel does not.

So here's the deal...both Israel and Palestine thinks Jerusalem should be their capital. But neither side can come to any agreements. If the US moves their embassy to Jerusalem, it's seen as disregarding the Palestinians' wishes and as an end to the peace negations. For this reason, everyone's concerned that such an action would inflame tensions and incite violence, which is looks like it has done. The declaration and move are entirely symbolic, but the consequences for those affected won't be.
Repete · 61-69, M
I'm ignorant of much that goes on there but how can some outsider go into a place and say this is the capital of your country. Doesn't make sense to me but like I said I don't know much about over there.
why wasnt this sorted out 50 years ago. its been allowed to fester.
Honeylove · 46-50, F
It was hard enough to get a Jewish homeland @TheOneyouwerewarnedabout
lorne13 · 61-69, M
Figures trumpie would suppirt the Israelu attack on Palestinians
Graylight · 51-55, F
Tel Aviv, but let Israel and Palestine decide that. Jerusalem is the religious home to the Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths. There should be no political involvement or leaning in any direction in the city and to impose it upon the land is to endorse one faith and people over all others. How can that do anything but heighten the unrest already so pervasive there?
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Honeylove · 46-50, F
Tel Aviv is the capital.@JennieF
girlscumfirst · 51-55, M
Ignorant bastard americans
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
Washington DC
Honeylove · 46-50, F
Jerusalem is the Holy City to both Christians and Muslims. I don't know here the embassies in Israel are.
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Xuan12 · 31-35, M
@Honeylove All international embassies in Israel are located in and around Tel Aviv.
Honeylove · 46-50, F
Sorry I forgot to write Jews.@LvChris
SoftServe · 26-30, M
What difference does it make?

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