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Which publication and/or which writers do you think best represent your views and why?

I used to be a Guardian reader and I still am but I had a specific reason for falling out with them and I feel my views are better represented by certain UK independent-left news sources. I agree with The Canary but its terrible and reads like a socialist version of the S*n. I like Novara Media a lot, though the tone is too academic and it needs to reach maturity. Jacobin is the American publication which is closest to my politics and I wish we had a UK specific publication as good.

Owen Jones was once my favourite journalist but I have gone off him now and I think other people have much more interesting things to say and much better analysis. Gary Younge is great, as are the political blog posts of Richard Seymour. I like writers who have interesting things to say beyond the obvious. Stephen K Bush is probably the UK's finest political research journalist. In America, I think Andrew O'Hehir from Salon is a very interesting writer and I love his craziness. His stories read like the ramblings of genius sociology professor late night in the bar. He is hit and miss but he writes like nobody else.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
I like The Nation. And Mother Jones. Charlie Pierce of Esquire nails it everytime. He reads like an old school newspaper reporter hanging out in a Boston bar. Jim Hightower writes wonderfully too.
SmartKat · 56-60, F
Here in the States, I like Mother Jones magazine. Online, I like Alternet and Daily Kos.
For general publications I like-- The Economist.

As for writers I generally find a couple people I vett in a particular area and follow them. I particularly appreciate voices of people who are not necessarily political professionals. I take seriously what entrepreneurs say. I take what people who have chops in their fields say. I take seriously international perspectives. I take writers and other creative people seriously. I take minority voices seriously-- not as in race, but people working on the fringe. I take faith community voices seriously, especially off the mainstream. I take historians and jurists seriously.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
@CopperCicada The Utne Reader is for you.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
It's hard to find someone who shares my politics that doesn't just engage in navel-gazing theory or ranty polemics. Instead I'm largely interested in long-form investigative journalism. So there's a bunch of Canadian journalists I like I won't bore people with. I enjoy the Atlantic and used to be a big fan of Salon and Mother Jones also their quality fell badly a few years back - they may have picked back up. I occasionally go back to MoJo and still see a bunch of click-bait headlines which I can't fucking stand.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@CountScrofula [quote]It's hard to find someone who shares my politics that doesn't just engage in navel-gazing theory or ranty polemics.[/quote]

Glenn Greenwald?
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@Burnley123 lol, fair point. I didn't know he was an anarchist but I'm a fan of his work.
firefall · 61-69, M
In America, I feel Stephen King accurately reflects my views, at least about America :)
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@firefall The political analogies of Under the Dome or is it just The Shining? 😜
firefall · 61-69, M
@Burnley123 at the moment it feels more like Desperation
Like with ACA reform I look to "industry" voices. People actually doing medicine. IRL or in writing. People across a spectrum of medical practice. Also the voices of people filling in the gaps. Faith based groups. Homeless advocates.

But then with Syria I had mostly looked to Kurdish sources and Syriac Christian sources.

Most of this stuff is off media radar and not the purview of a specific writer...
I'm stuck between being annoyed by the left wing stuff and enraged and nauseated by the right.

I'm an ugly American so I don't know who, besides the BBC is owned by Rupert Murdoch, and as a result, I've got a dozens of newsfeeds on my phone I never get around to reading.

If I had to pick one I trust it would be Reuters, but if I'm in a rush, I read Huffpost and just try not to get too taken away with it.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
There is no single publication that best reflects my views. I read a wide variety of news sources on both the right and left, domestic and international, to get a better feeling for what people are thinking.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
I don't follow anybody these days.
Back in my dim and distant 'up the workers' past, i was a Guardian fan. Especially during the Thatcher years.
The journalists seemed to have a more analytical view than many currently being expressed.

I know a little of Richard Seymour's work. I remember reading Against austerity and thinking....well, there's a view !
The case against austerity was well put, but solutions to were lacking somewhat.

For political reporting....can't stomach any one person/channel for too long. Which i guess tells you where we are at the moment.

come back Sir Robin Day....all is forgiven !
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
I'v never found anybody that agrees with me on most things
FCNantes · 22-25, M
I love The Guardian.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@FCNantes So do I, on some things.

My reticence comes from its ultra-hostile line on Jeremy Corbyn's Labour leadership to the point where pretty much gave up on any pretence of even neutrality. I am Labour Party member and their coverage annoyed a lot of us.

It is good on some issues and the Snowden thing was fantastic.
DailyKos and Mother Jones, generally.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I don't get involved with politics and i avoid reading news. It corrupts your brain. Once you're out of that whole cycle and can see it fully, you see how ridiculous all of it is.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@MartinTheFirst Its OK dude. I think the same of Manga art. Each to their own.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@Burnley123 youd think that hurt but it really doesnt. Lol
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@MartinTheFirst LOL.

I do mean each to their own. We all like different things and that is a good thing, no?

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