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Have you ever been called a liberal for criticizing Trump?

Or just for expressing views that a lot of conservatives don't agree with?
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Miram · 31-35, F
It wasn't for criticising Trump. It was for correcting the person's information.

I was also called a conservative.

A communist too

People throw around political labels they are afraid of , when they fear you. And they fear you because they lack full conviction. Their attacks are desperate ways to gain just that.
Would you believe I've been called a liberal? Trump is a catalyst that exposed something that was already there. I'm very pro Trump. It's just the filters of our perception.
What we are born with.
What we are fed. (exposed to and taught)
Our experiences and the methods of our upbringing.
Our social / family role. (mascot, scapegoat, hero, lost child, emotional dust bin etc .......)

There are plenty of thinking people who support Trump, and plenty of idiots who don't. It's the stereotyping that feeds the fire. People seem to assume that Trump's oafish nature appeals to the Pabst Blue Ribbon drinking, NASCAR and pro wrestling watching, nicotine fiends and meth maggots in trailer parks across America., and is not the 'thinking person's' president, but this is a fallacy. Things are not always what they appear to be on the surface. There are so many variables and extenuating circumstances involved in the filters that we adopt that determine our political leanings. Nobody wants to take their 'Trump glasses' off. I've lost a lot of friends over this president, and I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't a giant step towards an eventual 'civil war' in the US between the culture warrior 'left' and the salt of the earth 'right'. Norman Rockwell is not going to disappear and Andy Warhol is here to stay, and Micheal Moore and Michelle Malkin are not going to shut up. As I said earlier, "Pray for peace- prepare for war." Colleges becoming bastions of totalitarianism and fascism is not a good sign for things to come.
hlpflwthat · M
@puck61 Interesting that you would lose even one friend over this president. Speaks volumes, puck, if you think about it.
@hlpflwthat Yeah....I'm not unaware of the implications concerning the strength of a friendship, but if someone see's you as a Nazi, that kind of throws a wrench in the works, and I won't pander to my own family, much less someone who isn't related to me. I know what's right and I know what's wrong, and I refuse to compromise my values. If the whole world is buggering sheep, I'm still not going to do it.
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ZenKitzune · F
Yeah I've had everything about me assumed in about 5 seconds lol
Reboot153 · 22-25, M
@ZenKitzune This is the #1 reason why I hate labels when it comes to any type of controversial topic, especially politics. As soon as someone has a thought about which way you lean they "have you all figured out" and know how you're going to reply on every topic. Makes talking to people who fit others into a neat little box pointless.
ZenKitzune · F
@Reboot153 exactly, they stone wall you chance of discussion
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I've been called a liberal because I'm pro-choice, because I'm agnostic, because I support marriage equality, racial and gender equality, access to affordable healthcare and education, labor unions. I've been called a liberal by folks with no other information than where I live (San Francisco Bay Area, California). So my loathing of Trump is almost incidental. But for my reasons I quote the late Leonard Bernstein:
A liberal is a man or a woman or a child who looks forward to a better day, a more tranquil night, and a bright, infinite future.
[image/video deleted]
katielass · F
Nope, but I've been called lots of names for defending him against lies and unfair criticism.
Liberal, libtard, retard, sheep, snowflake, idiot, Kool-Aid drinker...

Each one is a badge of merit.
Or the more commonly used "libtards". Similarly I think a lot of those who agree with some conservative views get labeled as "Trump supporters".
Sure lots of times , Trump Supporter are the number one snowflakes .
@SW-User Yes, and they all have rounded noses, whereas the Trump haters all have pointed noses. Very few people notice these things!
Sure and I have been called a right wing nut job for criticizing Hillary it is all good...LOL! ;)
hlpflwthat · M
Needn't even criticize - just point to an obvious truth and you're a libtard 😏
Xuan12 · 36-40, M
Yeah, it a knee-jerk reaction for some people.
Northwest · M
Yes, on both. The term is typically a variation on "libetard" on SW.
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Northwest · M
It's hard to leave you. You're just so much fun! I'll try my best though!

So you keep saying, but you have no idea how to honor your promises. Post #20.
I got your nose! I got your nose!
Northwest · M
@puck61 Post #21. Just as long as you're not obsessed with me.
swirlie · F
Oh sure, but then again, they were telling me something about myself that I already knew!

What Republicans don't understand about Liberals, is that Democrats are not criticizing Trump because he is a Republican President. Democrats are criticizing Trump because he is incompetent to hold the Office of the President of the United States. Trump has documented psychiatrically related behavioral issues follow him since his early adolescence and his performance today is merely a reflection of his own past.

Oddly enough, Trump is on record as stating that he is neither Republican, Democrat nor Independent. He holds no personal allegiance to any Party whatsoever, nor does he hold allegiance to the United States of America or it's citizens. His Base yes, but the remaining 80% of the country can basically kiss his ass.

Trump has a greater respect for the Kremlin than he does for Washington which should be America's first clue that those responsible for Trump's ultimate Presidential victory have dropped the ball.... those who voted for Trump and those who never even got off their ass to vote in the first place. Those two illustrious groups of non-thinking, uneducated American citizens are the one's whom are solely responsible for what has been allowed to happen to the USA and to the stability of the rest of the world, which as occurred in only the past 9 months.

Trump is nothing more than a weasel that found it's way into the hen house. Mueller however, will exterminate Trump without fanfare and will send Donny-Boy-Wonder, Junior from the White House to the Big House when the dust all settles. Imagine that! Don Junior taking one for the old man in the name of preserving the family name and fortune!

"Excuse me Mr Prison Guard, can you let me out... I don't like it in here..." 😆
@swirlie Hmmm. Interesting conjecture. I disagree. I think Trump might end up being as good as Reagan. The psychiatry angle doesn't work because the psychiatrists who have spoken out have compromised the veracity of their opinions by virtue of violating their own code of ethics. If someone proves themselves to be unethical, how can you give their opinion any clout?
Trump is loyal to his constituents and the United States of America. Now you have compromised your own ethics by stooping to slander.
More opinion stated as fact....blah blah....
I can't believe you guys are still working on the collusion thing! That is hilarious! If there was an ounce of truth to the whole 'collusion' fantasy, it would all have been over quite some time ago!!
You thank your lucky stars that Trump is in right now, because a 'cupcake' would be a geopolitical disaster at this particular point in history! We need someone with some backbone, and not a compromising panderer who would sell this country out faster than you can say,"moral relativism".
Good luck with your 'collusion' fantasy!~
swirlie · F

A very well executed rebuttal, Puck! Well done!

I actually thought of mentioning Reagan as you have, because I see a similarity between Reagan and Trump from what I have read about the Reagan years and seen in political film documentaries.

Further to what you say about ethics and psychiatry, I don't see how psychiatrists speaking very broadly and very publicly have compromised their code of ethics in any way, considering the fact that they have only observed Trump on stage and not in their office while he lay on their couch at two hundred bucks an hour.

I think you would have a point about 'ethics' if a psychiatrist spoke openly about a private citizen who happens to be a patient of a very vocal psychiatrist in question, but those psychiatrists at-large whom you make reference to are not speaking about a private citizen here when they are making reference to Donald Trump's state of mind. They are making reference to the President of the United States who is Commander and Chief of the military and how that person who is working for the 'people' is clearly not in a state of mind to be managing the Office of President.

I actually think the opposite to what you are saying about breached codes of ethics regarding public opinions of Trump, in that it is incumbent upon a professional medical physician to speak up when necessary and raise issue with the guy in charge of the entire U.S. Government, if it appears in his or her professional assessment that the President-Elect ought NOT to be President, if he appears to be mentally unstable from his demonstrated actions as viewed on a world stage.

For a psychiatrist to sit back and say absolutely nothing when national security for the United States is at risk in the hands of a man who demonstrates enormous mental instability, is actually where professional codes of ethics would technically become compromised. You have the code of ethics argument quite backwards in all honesty.

As for your perception of my own code of ethics, I am not a medical professional, hence not a psychiatrist. Therefore as a layman (laywoman), I do not operate under the guise which requires a 'code of ethics' in the first place, as I am not bound by a professional code of ethics when stating my own private opinion publicly, which I am able to do at my own discretion through laws governing Freedom of Speech.

As well, I am not professionally bound to protect the privacy rights of others, because I am not stating my opinion as a 'professional opinion' with credentials endorsed by License as a 'Licensed Professional' whenever I openly state my opinion on any stage or to any audience. Again, you have that 'code of ethics' thing backwards for me as well.

Just for the record 'puck61', there is no such thing as a 'code of ethics' for private citizens, nor is that illusion you have embraced, imposed anywhere in the Free World in terms of one voicing their opinion while exercising their Right to Free Speech.

In truth, for you to suggest that I have violated a perceived 'code of ethics' by stating my opinion which you have characterized as "slanderous", is actually a complete contradiction to what Freedom of Speech is actually all about in your own country my friend. That part, you need to review within your Constitution because you still haven't grasped even a fundamentally basic understanding of what those differences are or what they entail.

Us "guys", whom are those you make reference to whom do not share your own political beliefs, are not actually "working on the collusion thing", contrary to what you are hung-up on. What Mueller and Associates are working on is not collusion as a legal Charge as if seeking a formal Charge under that name. This is because an 'act of collusion' is not actually a defined entity under the American Legal System. An act of treason for example, would follow with a Charge of Treason. But because there is no such thing as a 'Charge of Collusion', there is also no such thing as a formal 'act of collusion' either.

The word 'collusion' has been used by Mueller as well as those reporting on Trump's dealings, to define their legal focus on Trump's alleged 'premeditated involvement' with Russians, whom Trump is suspected of being involved with. But neither Trump nor members of his family could ever actually be charged with collusion because such a Charge simply does not exist in the legal system as I have said. The word 'collusion' has therefore been adopted as a means to provide focus on Trump's possible involvement with Russian interference.

What Trump could possibly be charged with (and then pardoned from) at the end of Mueller's investigation, would be Trump's knowledge of all events involving the Russians which led up to and included the Presidential Election. If that all happened behind Donald's back, Donald himself will be exonerated. But IF it can be proven that he knew from the start how Russian interference was possibly used to help him to derail Hilary, then Donald will be taken to task on this issue. If it can be proven that Donald solicited the help of the Russians to overthrow Hilary Clinton, America will suddenly find itself in uncharted territory here.

Only today, Mueller has ordered the IRS to provide a financial trail of Donald Trump's financial dealings over the past dozen years, when information began to surface recently that the Russians were financially involved with Trump immediately after he had declared personal bankruptcy from a divorce settlement. Mueller wants to know if the Russians aided Trump's rise from the ashes of personal bankruptcy. Mueller also wants to know to what extent Russian money played with the development of Trump's Atlantic City casino, which of course failed miserably and went bankrupt as well from inept financial management. Coincidentally, the time-line for these events had occurred in very close proximity to each other.

Donald will not go to jail, because he holds Presidential Privilege. But Don Junior will definitely go to jail if it can be proven that he aided and abetted the Russians to interfere with the American democratic process during a Presidential Election.

Don Junior will not be charged with 'collusion' for the reasons previously described, but he will be charged with Treason and possibly Espionage against the U.S. Federal Government if he is found guilty of soliciting aid from the Russians. Several in Trump's camp will also end up in jail, but like Bill Clinton, Donald Trump will just walk away and try to rekindle old relationships he had managed to destroy as he simply gets on with whats left of his civilian life after he is escorted out the front gates of the White House for the last time.

As for your theory on some cupcake 'selling this country out', I can tell you that President Trump has already sold-out America to his Base. In so doing, he has also sold out America on a Global stage which means that America no longer maintains credible intent to do business with the G20 or even pay attention to America's 20 trillion dollar national debt, let alone pay any money down in consistent monthly installments.

I understand that you are a Republican 'puck61' and I also understand that you voted for Trump. When you voted for Trump however, you did not vote for a Republican President because Trump has already stated on record that he is not a Republican, nor Democrat nor an Independent. When you voted for Trump however, you literally purchased a truck without test-driving it first.

Every book that has ever been written by Trump or about Donald Trump, is awash with the same information the world has just learned about first-hand over the past 9 months about Trump and his unstable mind. Those books I speak of which were written as far back as 1990, would have told you the same thing about the man which you are learning about today from the news media as well as from Trump's own actions.

Trump's history was all there for America to read about since 1990, but America voted before they learned anything about Trump. America 'bought' Trump's snake oil medicine without completing their due diligence on the man standing on the circus wagon with a megaphone selling the stuff.

Trump did not show the world what HE was all about, but rather, Trump showed the rest of the world what more than half of America is all about and who they are as dysfunctional culture. That Russian guy, 'Putin' himself has stated many times that "Democracy is a farce". When one looks at the democratic example that has been set within the United States of America as of late, it has been very difficult to argue against Putin's point. Putin may not be right, nor may his socialist alternatives be any better, but Putin has nonetheless made a point certainly worthy of the world's undivided attention as he observed America on stage, showcasing itself to the world.

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