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Should the KKK be banned as a terrorist organization?

In the wake of violent clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia, between white supremacists and counterprotesters, the Illinois State Senate wants white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups classified as terrorist organizations.

In a resolution authorized Sunday, lawmakers urge law enforcement to "pursue the criminal elements of these domestic terrorist organizations in the same manner and with the same fervor used to protect the United States from other manifestations of terrorism."

State Sen. Don Harmon, a Democrat who introduced the measure, said he did so in response to Saturday's "inexcusable violence committed by white nationalist & neo-Nazi groups in Charlottesville."
Firespirit · 26-30, M
if we start this game then antifa and blm are also gonna fall over that label
bigjohndl · 70-79, M
In the wake of Charlottesville, it was the counter protesters that started the fight. They would have demanded that they be allowed to march legally and in peace as the white supremacists had the permits to do so.
Hicks · 36-40, M
I remember another nazi protest not too long ago where the nazis were stabbed, attacked and arrested. There's a clear double standard here.

That event was hardly covered.
it's not going to be so no point in tryin.

I think they should ban Christianity for it's extremists views
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Reminds of the part from blues brothers. Illinois nazis

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