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I am an old man, but always interested in contact with young people
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Candycrush01 · 26-30, F
I love your profile picture and there’s such kindness in your eyes 💋❤️
Miram · 31-35, F
Explain your about me.
poimandres15 · 80-89, MVIP
Where is the problem? The whole way of life of younger people is entirely different from what I was used to in my generation. To learn from this difference is always inspiring. In my opinion, both should learn from each other, the older people have more experience in life, but they are often unable to deal with the changes brought about by new technologies, releasing prejudices common in the past, the different ways of communication in social groups, etc. I don't think that an explanation is necessary for my personal predilections, but feel free to ask whatever is of interest for you.
Miram · 31-35, F
@poimandres15 This place is pretty bad, makes us all very guarded. But you seem like a very thoughtful and wise man. ❤️