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I Write Poetry

Azrael’s Door

A light flashed the blackened sky,
This very night for me,
Alas I know not what it means.
I walk I walk…. the wandering me.

The brook it rises above its banks,
Water roars as far as you see.
Amidst the chaos and flotsam still.
I swim I swim…. the wandering me.

The falcon soars in search of its prey,
Above the stony quay,
In turbulent wind I stay my course,
I fly I fly….the wandering me.

The stone faced judge proclaims today,
The toll that is now is my fee,
Lost to the world for evermore,
I cry I cry….the wandering me.

The light shines bright
At Azrael’s door thee,
Life reborn, the bonds are gone.
Anew Anew….the same old me.

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HappyHeart · 56-60, F
Aren't we all wanderers until we find that door or that calling? You have found yours. Your writing should be published somewhere besides here. I hope you it is.
Texaspilot · 51-55, M
I'm working on it. Thank you for the kind words. I think we are eternally wanderers.
HappyHeart · 56-60, F
@Texaspilot: Let me know when you publish your first book of poetry. I'd like a signed copy please. 😊
Texaspilot · 51-55, M
Not a problem!!!!!!
Thank you for sharing Patrick
Love seeing your writing
Have a good day

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