I Write Poetry
So Far So Good
The blur keeps me pure
The unknown that should have eaten me
Hides away
So deep inside me
I think I needed it
To let it go when I could
Well here it is
I don't care
Just take it
Each day on this earth
Makes me older
But makes me stronger
You just don't know what I know
That can only be
Etched with time
Like a stream on a mountain
So all I can say
So Far So Good
The blur keeps me pure
The unknown that should have eaten me
Hides away
So deep inside me
I think I needed it
To let it go when I could
Well here it is
I don't care
Just take it
Each day on this earth
Makes me older
But makes me stronger
You just don't know what I know
That can only be
Etched with time
Like a stream on a mountain
So all I can say
So Far So Good