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I Write Poetry

---- I ----

When I cry .

I cry with I
I shelter I
I embrace I
I cradle I

And when I walk

I walk with I
My path is alone
Nobody follows
My step is with I

When I need love
Tender embraces
Someone to dream with
Someone to talk to

My phone is not ringing
No knock on my door
Nothing left to believe in.
The silence to deadly.

So I draw the curtains
And I dim the lights
I lay down in seclusion
And I weep with I ..

Fred Oliver
starmanlives · 51-55, M

I need to feel the wind at my back
And see the lights of this town in my rear view mirror.
I'm tired of walking the streets
And trying to find reasons to live.
And the odds of this life
Are to high in this game that I'm playing.
It's time to slow down and find me my home
And start living my life without you.

Cause here,
I'm wasting away in this riptide of insincerities.
And here, I feel my last breath of life slip away.
And here I just can't find reason or Meaning
And it's here that has finally made turn
And walk this walk away..

There's a time in your life
When you must admit when you lose.
I gave you my best
You gave me back this gift
Of singing and writing about the blues.
And the odds of this life
are much to high in this game We are playing.

I need to slow down.
And find me my home .
And start living life without you.

Cause here,
I'm wasting away in this riptide of insincerities.
And here, I feel my last breath of life slip away.
And here I just can't find reason or Meaning
And it's here that has finally made turn
And walk this walk away..

Fred Oliver
starmanlives · 51-55, M
Out of the Body into Infinity.

I floated away on pegasus wings
That lifted me high
To a voice that started to sing.
I could hear them chant my name .
In an instant I wasn't there.

They showed me my mother.
It's been years since she past away
She said it was my number
She asked if I wanted to stay.

I said, Mama I love you so
But Pa-Pa needs me more right now
I hope you try and understand somehow.

It's been years and years
And tears and tears
And I'm all he has left and I just want to give him one more happy day.

The white light was demanding .
But somehow I looked away
It shook it's fist in anger
As if I disobeyed .
I could hear them scream my name.
In an instant I wasn't there.

Dad, You see
Last night Mama talk to me
She says she loves you so.
She just wanted me to let you know.
She said there'd come a time
When neither one of us would have to cry
And the earth and the moon and sun
Would be our home for all eternity.
She just wanted me to say she's missed you so

Fred. Oliver

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