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I Write Poetry

If Only For A Moment

If only for a moment, you were standing here. Before me
I'd beg for your hand to yearn for my lips' gentle kiss
I'd pull your soft skin close to my flesh
I'd brush the hair from your face, look deep into your beautiful eyes. I'd beg for a few more moments to have as my gift

If only for a moment, your thoughts only belonged to me
Your eyes, they hold the secrets of my heart so secure. I'd only miss it for a moment
If I found your lips upon my cheek, I'd smile to myself. Before stealing the kiss for my own selfish desires
Only then would my heart surrender to your guilty ways

If only for a moment, you would understand the pain that runs deep within. The pain that can never be flushed out
I wish that you could hear the gentle sea of beautiful words I whisper, but you will never hear them
Your heart has grown to love him, instead of the walking flesh of myself. The one person that would die, only for your safety
You'll never see the colours I bleed from the burns of you're branding irons you keep stabbing through my heart
Yet my flesh, still remains unscathed

If only for a moment, your eyes were mine. To gaze at. To flood the world with their beauty
Not a soul will understand it better than I. I see its inner beauty
My breath I would give, for your life to stay happy. Free
Never will harm befall upon you. I am your protection.
Anyone who wishes to harm you, shall meet a merciless end

If only for a moment, you loved me. Maybe I'd see the light. that struggles to flush out the dark
I'd love myself, for just a small moment in time
But I know you must go, to your home. Back with him
But promise, that. If only, you'd love me
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Montanaman · M
If only for a moment,
You'd see yourself as I see you.
A rose, by anyother name,
Yes, there are thorns,
And they worn other's to be careful of your heart,
Delicate peach petals,
Ready to come full bloom.
Freedom screaming,
So ready to escape that padded room.
Just go.
Just spread your wings and fly.
The girl with depression,
Who'd rather just curl up and die.
The thing is...
I won't let you.
