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Do you find some poetry philosophical?

Very much so.

by Yevgeny Yevtushenko

When your face
appeared over my crumpled life
at first I understood
only the poverty of what I have.

Then it’s particular light
on woods, on rivers, on the sea,
became my beginning in the colored world
in which I had not yet had my beginning.

I am so frightened, I am so frightened,
of the unexpected sunrise finishing,
of revelations
and tears and the excitement finishing.
I don’t fight it - my love is this fear,
I nourish it who can nourish nothing,
love’s slipshod watchman.

Fear hems me in.
I am conscious that these minutes are short
and that the colours in my eyes will vanish
when your face sets.
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
I do. In many ways, it renders the human experience…wisdom hard won…love, hope, loss, the yearning for what is beyond our reach….down to its most basic and essential elements, without artifice or embellishment.

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