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Going Home

I’m going home today
My home was a beautiful, old place

With tiled floors and wooden shutters
A testament to history

It had a garden
With orange trees

Where I sipped coffee in the morning
Watching the sea

It was my parents’ house but
They’re dead now

I had a job at the university but
There is no university now

I had friends
I wonder where they are

I had a husband
I saw blood pouring from his head

I had two children
They’re in the rubble

I will find them
And mourn them

They say they’ll rebuild
But not for us

They want us to leave
But no-one wants us

I have nothing left
Except my life

Maybe I’ll lose that but
I’m staying
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DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
The very ground, where I grew up, no longer exists. They dug it up and built a five story apartment complex on it.
Punches · 46-50, F
@DeWayfarer The neighborhood I grew up in still exists, not much changed except it is more run down. Kind of a dump now.

Of all the places I have lived, I miss it most. Just a three bedroom townhouse type place, nothing special but as a kid, I thought it was a mansion. 😄

My room was at the end of a hallway, maybe 10 feet long. It was like a corridor to my own private place in the world.

I live about six miles away from it. If I had the money to have a custom house built, it would be modeled after that old townhouse as much as possible.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Punches I grew up when the big city wasn't there.

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