Going Home
I’m going home today
My home was a beautiful, old place
With tiled floors and wooden shutters
A testament to history
It had a garden
With orange trees
Where I sipped coffee in the morning
Watching the sea
It was my parents’ house but
They’re dead now
I had a job at the university but
There is no university now
I had friends
I wonder where they are
I had a husband
I saw blood pouring from his head
I had two children
They’re in the rubble
I will find them
And mourn them
They say they’ll rebuild
But not for us
They want us to leave
But no-one wants us
I have nothing left
Except my life
Maybe I’ll lose that but
I’m staying
My home was a beautiful, old place
With tiled floors and wooden shutters
A testament to history
It had a garden
With orange trees
Where I sipped coffee in the morning
Watching the sea
It was my parents’ house but
They’re dead now
I had a job at the university but
There is no university now
I had friends
I wonder where they are
I had a husband
I saw blood pouring from his head
I had two children
They’re in the rubble
I will find them
And mourn them
They say they’ll rebuild
But not for us
They want us to leave
But no-one wants us
I have nothing left
Except my life
Maybe I’ll lose that but
I’m staying