Always love this poem
Tedd a kezed
mintha kezed
kezem volna.
Úgy őrizz, mint
ki gyilkolna,
mintha éltem
élted volna.
Úgy szeress, mint
ha jó volna,
mintha szívem
szíved volna.
Jószef Attila
My attempt at a free verse translation!
Put your hand
upon my brow
As if your hand
were my hand now
Save my life
the beast therefrom
As if my life
had yours become
Place your heart
my heart upon
As if your heart
and mine were one
mintha kezed
kezem volna.
Úgy őrizz, mint
ki gyilkolna,
mintha éltem
élted volna.
Úgy szeress, mint
ha jó volna,
mintha szívem
szíved volna.
Jószef Attila
My attempt at a free verse translation!
Put your hand
upon my brow
As if your hand
were my hand now
Save my life
the beast therefrom
As if my life
had yours become
Place your heart
my heart upon
As if your heart
and mine were one