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[Prose] What Is Loneliness?

What Is Loneliness?

What Is Loneliness?
It Is A Thirst ...
It Is A Flower, Dying In A Desert.

Star trek Requiem for Methuselah

Yet oh so much more!

It is as an ocean, without water.
Or an airless planet, without life.
It is a void that eternally hungers,
that cry's out not knowing any reasons.

Some may say go out, go seek what you need.
Others may say that loneliness is only a frame of mind.
And the they maybe correct for themselves.

Yet what is appropriate for one is not necessarily appropriate for everything.

So this thirst,
this flower,
this body,
this ocean,
this planet,
... still ever seeks.

And its desires will eternally and forever burn!



Thank you again @Andrew for creating this group and making it available again. 😊
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What a beautiful post. I really appreciate such creativity and love for language. Thanks!
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Grateful4you thank you.