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I Am A Poet

Emmanuel 5/13/20
I was awoken
By a familiar sound
The wind had picked up
And thunder roared.

I blindly made my way, half awake
To the Captains quarters
Al but breaking down the doors
To his sanctuary

My captain! My captain!
The wind is against us!
The moon has hidden herself behind a black shroud!
Lighting again lights the way!

Awake! Awake, my captain!
Draw back the sails!
Awake! Awake, O man!
Surely this ship will be destroyed!

The storm has returned!
Why do you rest?
The wild has come for us!
Awake! Awake, you fool of a captain!

I have sought your face! Why do you not come?
Why have you left me to die? Have you escaped?
Do you fear the storm?
Liar! Coward! Murderer! Fool!


The rain veiled my eyes and I could not see
My moment of clarity turned now to memory
The peace I had now threatened by Chaos
Any semblance of trust shattered by the wild

I looked toward the churning sea
To see the might of the storm
Bolts of fire rained down from heaven
Blinding me, sending me to my knees

Its thunder sent me into madness
I could not hear my own thoughts
The terror of death overcame me
As I screamed for my God on my knees

Yet in the screaming, in my madness
Yet in the unceasing rage of thunder
As the salt burned the eyes I had squeezed shut
A memory of a whisper entered my mind:

Do not Fear; for your God is with you.
Always beside you
All your days, He will guide you
Be not afraid, He walks beside you

And at the remembrance of this
Amidst the storm I roused my men
In the night I gathered them together
And as one we sang

Awake, O my soul
Our God is ever with us
Awake O my soul
Our God will go before us
Awake O my soul
Our God will never leave us

Together we remembered God our Rock
Who had rebuilt our ship, claimed her as His own
And remembered he would never allow it to be destroyed
We went to the deck above, and in the rain we sang:

And we will soar on wings as eagles
We will run and not grow weary
We will walk and never faint
Come awake, my soul, come awake!

In the night we sang to our God
And I happened to look toward the bridge
Where stood the Lord my God at the Helm
Singing along with us in the wind and waves

There He stood
Soaked by the tempest
Standing tall, alert, unshaken
I realized He was there all along

Unwavering, He seemed to stand over the storm
As it broke over his ship
He did not flinch as the lightning flashed
And with a smile he sang along with Us:

Do not Fear; for your God is with you.
Always beside you
All your days, He will guide you
Be not afraid, He walks beside you

I thought back to the moment I met Him
One night under the stars
I looked up and asked His name
He called himself Emmanuel

And there he stood, years later, ever vigilant
As He had promised from the start
Oh, the nerve of a man to accuse His God
When the storm around Him overwhelms him.

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