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I Am A Poet

Once, A long time ago
when I had more time than I have now
I read a book by Krakauer in which
a boy left ev-eryone and ev-erything
far, far behind.

It was halloween
And I was watch-ing
the door and read-ing
this book and some-thing

Jumped out of the page and into my brain
Now, this boy who ran away
He had just five words to say
That have stuck with me to this day.

"Happiness Only Real When Shared."
It took me way way back to when I read Tolstoy
who renounced the isolationism I once craved
His powerful words, they say,

"I have lived through much
and now I think
I found what is needed for Happiness.

A quiet, secluded life in the country
With the possibility
of being useful to people to whom it is easy
to do good

And who are not accustomed to have it done to them
Then work which one hopes may be of some use
Then rest
nature, books, Music, Love for one's neighbor...

Such is my idea of Happiness
And then, on top of all that
A mate for you, and children, perhaps --

What more can the heart of a man desire?"

Today, six years later
I read these words and can't help but recall
the words written in Genesis

Then the Lord God said
It is not good for man to be alone
I will make a helper who is right for him.

And I think about you
And all that you are
and all that you've done
and all that you do
and all that you want to do

My Darling, sweetheart, I can't believe
you chose me
of all people in this world
to spend your life alongside

I think about myself
and all that I am
And all that I've done
And all that I do
And all that I hope to do

And sometimes my eyes fail to see
what you see inside of me
What you've always seen in me
And I want to say thank you for loving me for me.

Jessi, I adore you
And I can't wait to do
All the things taht you
And I want to do

I will do my best
To hunt down your dreams with you
Capture them, tear them open
And enjoy them to the full with you.

I will Love you
With all my heart
With all my soul
With all my mind
With all my strength

I will try with all I have, In God's strength
To be slow to anger
slow to speak, but quick to listen
quick to laugh with you
cry with you
dance with you
dream, run, build with you.

For I have found the one
whom my soul adores
And she is absolutely beautiful in ev-ery way.
I will be yours all your life, So help me God.

So, My God, strengthen these hands
To gently hold this fierce woman's heart
And to love her as truly as you do
For the rest of my days.
Azrael ·
Love your profile pic btw
Azrael ·
I'm obsessing, all these questions
I love it
it's like

Wh Yime in De nYal
THat they tried the suicidal session
Azrael ·

Please use discretion
When you're messaging the message man xD

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