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Fire Rages

the flames grew and jumped
the roads and the forests
disappeared in the darkness
the air grew heavy, unbreathable
chaos ruled this land
people fled clutching their belongings
animals panicked and ran
wild eyes rolling with fear
some people remained
it was all in vain
when the fire ran out
ashes and soot
and charred buildings
were all left behind
swear I lost my mind
wandering around my homestead
crying, grateful to be alive

*All rights reserved. Poe. 2024-06-03. *
Lostpoet · M
This poem made me think of the the disaster at Pompeii
@Lostpoet Cool. It is related to the wildfires out west in Canada. I could write about Pompeii. It is quite historical. I dig history too.
Lostpoet · M
@PoetryNEmotion I hope everything was ok with your family and home.
@Lostpoet It is not my story, hon. It is the story of others. Thank you though. I have to shower before work. Catch you later. I posted a couple for you and the other guy. Thanks.

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