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I Love to Write Poetry

There's a solar eclipse going on right now and people in some parts of the world are lucky enough to witness it, not me though. But I'll write about a different kind of eclipse that I've often seen. 馃檪


I have two sisters- so beautiful and fair,
Their winsome grace could make even the blind stare.

Mother said, for my sisters there will be suitors abound,
It鈥檚 me who worried them, my looks weren鈥檛 sound.

So, by the time we three had turned into teens,
The younger two had been crowned - local beauty-queens.

While our teacher said, I was the best student ever,
But did men ever look past my ugly face? Never!

So I grew up in the shadows of my beautiful sisters,
Eclipsed by their beauty, hidden behind their glister.

By twenty-five, I was practicing medicine,
A suitor for me, my father had brought in.

He scrutinized me well like a product up for sale,
And chose my sister instead, before bidding farewell.

For the first time that night, I cursed my ugly face,
And cried myself to sleep, I hated this contest.

The next time a suitor came, my sister stayed hidden,
But one glance behind the curtain, he was instantly smitten.

His mother fainted from the sun and I came to rescue
For once, merit eclipsed beauty, and mayhem ensued.

HannibalAteMeOut22-25, F
Beautiful poem 馃枻
It was visible only as a partial eclipse here
TheIncredibleHulka31-35, F
@HannibalAteMeOut Thanks. 馃槉
It's been raining here since hours , so tough luck for me.
HannibalAteMeOut22-25, F
@TheIncredibleHulka ohh... what could even be the odds hahaha
User4136-40, M
Who just gave you two hearts?

TheIncredibleHulka31-35, F
@User41 Haha just me and my other accounts. 馃槀
User4136-40, M

馃 thats actually a good idea

Wow... Beautiful... You framed so well... Clap...
TheIncredibleHulka31-35, F
@SW-User 馃グ馃槆 Thank you.
Rasengan10131-35, M
That was amazing.
TheIncredibleHulka31-35, F
@Rasengan101 馃槆
midnightsun26-30, M
TheIncredibleHulka31-35, F
@midnightsun 馃榿

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