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I Like To Write Poetry

to this day I welcome you
what shall you bring to me
will you bring answers to my questions
or just more questions

will wisdom find its way to me
for me to impart to others
or will others impart wisdom to me
to help me just understand a bit more

will the sun shine this day
will warmth spread its peace on me
shall a bird sing sweet songs to me
in nature shall I see God today

to this day I do thee bow
welcoming it, stronger than I
it arrives and it thrives
to me what so comes
respite or struggle
peace or pain
I have no answers
just committment to live this day
as it unfolds in its earnest offerings

I must live this day
as it my last
for tomorrow is not a given
and chance lost
might not ever be chance
lived another day

so glory to you this day
glory to you my friend
I have arrived to greet you
I am here ready...
That's nice x

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