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A beautiful poem. [I Love To Read Poems]


It's cold and it's still
on the dark side
of the earth.
There is nothing in sight.
Not even my worth.
I'm dreaming
of leaving, of maybe
taking flight.
No reason to stay.
Would you notice if I died?
It's just another day.
It might be time to fly
to the moon,
I can tell by the silence.
my choice disappeared.
With nothing to live for
Why should I adhere?
If they're not asking
then they don't care.
I don't need anybody
I'm out of here.
On my way
to the moon.

There's word on the street
and it cuts like a knife.
I'm worse off, I'm lost
it's the love of my life.
That's all I can do
I've been loyal and true.
No place on earth looks
quite as good as the moon.
My best friends keep telling me
hold my head high.
As if they know something
more sacred than I.
I wonder how long it has
been since they cried...
My tale's not new
Why can't get through this?
How do I get away
make it become untrue?
They don't even see me
but once in a blue!
The last thing I'll
Say is the last thing I'll do.
Goodbye, I've gone
to the moon.
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
Wateribbon · 26-30
@Beatbox34 thanks but I didn't wrote this..
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@Wateribbon Still a good one.

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