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The Life of Edith Cole

Her life came to- a sudden end
for Edith Cole, my only friend.

She had lived- with dreadful guilt,
around herself -a wall she built.

Demons in -her life she fought.
They'd bicker back -and forth a lot.

To the heavens -her prayers would drift,
though good and evil- in her shifts.

She'd plead for punish-ment and pain.
Her suffering -had kept her sane.

Edith hid -herself away,
not to venture- in the day.

In peaceful times- to God she lept.
In violent times -the Devil crept.

"Confess your sins" now said her priest.
Forgiveness felt -so far from reach.

She saw herself -through Satan's eyes,
as she stared back, poor Edith cried.

Within the eyes -of God she saw
his disappointment- which she'd caused.

Edith tossed- and turned most nights,
then drag herself- around in light.

Memories of- her life before,
upon her shoulders -she now bore.

The only thing -that kept her going,
were her dear pets, their love bestowing.

The guilt and pain -built up her fears,
as she approached -her older years.

I found her body- in her bed,
her loving pets -were also dead.

Edith found- the peace she needed.
Her tragic life- was now completed.

I hope to heaven- they all ascend,
be with her family- once again.

I know she's happy, now you see.
For I am she, and she is me.

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