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Alone attempted poetry


i am alone
And when I am alone, the child cries out
To hear his echo in the halls
It won't be long
they'll be back soon

the normals
Keeper of the key to all things normal
they will not see the places that I go
Will not acknowledge they exist
And so the only place I am is here
And must take every opportuniity to be
Why is it that they will not see
Cannot see
Cannot understand the other world
Why can't they know
The people without scars
Why can't they feel it when they touch our hands
Then they would understand
Then we would not have to be the other us
To have been hit by a bus
How wonderful
See, this is where it broke my arm
And here, this gash
Isn't it awful
Yes, yes it hurts
It hurts like hell
No, no I'll get over it
But thanks for caring
No, no I can get there by myself
I'll heal in time
The doctor says a year or two
Well, I was hit by a bus you know
And they would see
And they would understand
And they would know that I should hurt
And say nice things behind my back
Look how he tries
He doesn't let it get him down
I bet that really hurts a lot
I simply can't imagine all the pain
So brave, so very brave
Perhaps, if I put bandages around my heart
Perhaps, if I wore pictures of the things he did
Perhaps if I had proof of other times
Different buses
Different kinds
Just as deadly
Just as unforgiving when they crashed into my life

It's boiling up again
Who knows why
Who knows why it stirs sometimes
Why the child becomes so restless
Why he looks to me for help
Starts to hurt again
To reach with pleading in his eyes

Do the memories come again, my child
Are they real again
Calm down

Would someone hold my hand a bit
Just hold it like you'd hold that of a little boy
Just let me know I'm not alone
I know
I know reality
But somehow there's another place
Another place in which I live
I'm young there and alone
And sometimes, when the scary moments come
If someone would just hold my hand........
I would be honored to hold your hand and comfort the little boy and the incredible young man he has become. Demons and all, you are loved.

I see you. I see your scars. I see your pain. As best I can anyway. You deserved a hero and as a Mama I'd love to of kicked some ass for you. I would hold your hand while you let it all out. The screams you swallowed. The cries and pleas, deserve to be heard.
kodiac · 22-25, M
@SW-User Thank you from the little boys heart my friend
I am always here to hold your hand or to hug you, Kodi. You are dear to me. I find the beauty in your painful art of words. Know that you are part of my heart. Always.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
I still love you bro "hugs" 🐰
kodiac · 22-25, M
@TheRascallyOne Thanks buddy!🤙
Kodi im sorry
kodiac · 22-25, M
@MyMonstersAreReal Most times i'm fine just now and again the little one comes crying. Thanks for caring
kodiac · 22-25, M
@SW-User Thank you for being my friend and for your gentle touch
@kodiac You never have to thank me for that, nor the other things I've expressed. Perhaps the picture was all wrong because it was intended to be a hand to hold yours, per your poems ending...
kodiac · 22-25, M
@SW-User the picture was perfect

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