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On a Pedestal

it's so nice being crazy about you
you brought me thoughts i never knew

or ever cared to know before

but through the haze of my wine
is a bottom line, you are not mine

so stay on the pedestal
proud, pretty and tall

you need never fall
to please me at all

photo and words by me
model is Mary B.
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Carissimi · F
Nice poem. I think men tend to put women on a pedestal until they get to know them, then they realize that women are just human beings like them, with their frailties and shortcomings. If you want to keep the illusion, never get to know someone too well.
basicpoet33 · 80-89, M
@Carissimi What you say is very true. In this particular case the person whom the poem is about and I had feelings for each other that could and would not be acted on. So my answer was to leave her on the pedestal without ever having to know her more.
Carissimi · F
I understand. It’s why I don’t like looking at how a movie is made, or what an actor is really like. I’d rather keep the illusion of them. The reality can be disappointing. @basicpoet33
Lilred2289 · 36-40, F
I love this! The pic and the poem!
basicpoet33 · 80-89, M
@Lilred2289 Thanks. I am still friends with the woman that the poem is about. We were both married at the time so nothing has ever happened.
basicpoet33 · 80-89, M
@Lilred2289 The poem "dance to your Destiny" is about the same person too.

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