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Ok challenge time...

Ive done this before on various sites... first an explanation... i write poems.. i often answer in rhyme... im not in a brill place at the moment.... i need a challange.... so.... please give me a random one word comment... any word... i will use the first 8 words given in a poem. The poem will be 8 lines long. The first line will start with the first word given... the second line will start with the 2nd word...etc... if you have a specific subject you want me to write about enter it after your word in parenthesis ().... i will see what i can do....
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Disguised · 56-60, M
Final result..not the best poem but i enjoyed the process. Thank you all for helping me relax a bit...

Panda eating bamboo in early morning mist.
The stars are fading the Panda insists.
A bracelet of shells he offers to her.
Rendezvous kept with a secret lover.
Roses are given their beauty unmatched.
Some happy moments as their plans are hatched.
Example to us all how true love should be.
Mask removed for all to see.
@Disguised *applauds you*
Disguised · 56-60, M
@PoetryNEmotion just need a bit of and the words start to flow.... well nearly...
Disguised · 56-60, M
thank you for starting the eight word list.
Panda eating bamboo in early morning mist.
Is just my very first thought.
Hopefully more words will be sort...
Panda eating bamboo in early morning mist. I am thinking of a gist.... 🤔🤔🤔🤷‍♀️😄 (...or something)
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
(Locutionary gist) 🤣

Example of the use of (locutionary)! 🙃😈😁
The stars are falling
Disguised · 56-60, M
Thank you be being second on the list.
I will use the first word and add a small twist.

Panda eating bamboo in early morning mist.
The stars are fading the Panda insists.
@Disguised Panda eating bamboo in early morning mist.
The stars are fading the Panda insists. I am thinking of a gist...
Lilymoon · F
Disguised · 56-60, M
Thank you be being fourth on the list.
I will use the first word and add a small twist.

Panda eating bamboo in early morning mist.
The stars are fading the Panda insists.
A bracelet of shells he offers to her.
Rendezvous kept with a secret lover.
Lilymoon · F
@Disguised 👍
Some happiness. ( I like your ideas! )
Roses are beautiful
Disguised · 56-60, M
Thank you be being fifth on the list.
I will use the first word and add a small twist.

Panda eating bamboo in early morning mist.
The stars are fading the Panda insists.
A bracelet of shells he offers to her.
Rendezvous kept with a secret lover.
Roses are given their beauty unmatched.
A sea-shell bracelet
Disguised · 56-60, M
Thank you be being third on the list.
I will use the first word and add a small twist.

Panda eating bamboo in early morning mist.
The stars are fading the Panda insists.
A bracelet of shells he offers to her.
Disguised · 56-60, M
Thank you be being eighth on the list.
I will use the first word and add a small twist.

Panda eating bamboo in early morning mist.
The stars are fading the Panda insists.
A bracelet of shells he offers to her.
Rendezvous kept with a secret lover.
Roses are given their beauty unmatched.
Some happy moments as their plans are hatched.
Example to us all how true love should be.
Mask removed for all to see.
@Disguised it's pretty good

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