Babal · 41-45, M
Informative post , thanks for sharing.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Interesting. Isn’t it carved from a single piece of limestone? Meaning the land was once under the sea? Like millions of years ago.
It doesn’t sound reasonable that they carved it underwater, but reasonable to be leave the area was once flooded by fresh water. Considering that the pyramids were also mostly built with limestone, could the area have periodically flooded and the blocks for the pyramids floated on boats to the building site?
It doesn’t sound reasonable that they carved it underwater, but reasonable to be leave the area was once flooded by fresh water. Considering that the pyramids were also mostly built with limestone, could the area have periodically flooded and the blocks for the pyramids floated on boats to the building site?
swirlie · F
According to Archeologists (not me), the Great Sphinx was carved from one solid piece of stone precisely where it sits today, however the time when this all occurred was PRIOR to the Ice Age and at a time on earth where the north polar ice cap and the south permanent glacial formation over the Continent of Antartica, were geographical located where the present-day equator sits today.
In other words, the polar ice cap and Antartica glacial formation were once very hot and very lush with vegetation, etc. This was also at a time when Egypt was not barren desert but instead was the opposite of what it is today, which was lush farmland.
The Great Sphinx was therefore carved in a area where population thrived until the Ice Age happened, at which point everything on earth migrated 90* degrees around the earth's center, which then covered all the fertile farmland around the world with ice which eventually melted. The resulting fresh water from the melting ice completely submerged the Great Sphinx right where she sat, thereby causing water damage to it which is actually documented in carved lettering on the Sphinx itself which translated means, "structure repaired" which was actually carved into the Sphinx 12,000 years ago!
With the relocation of the polar ice cap over time and the relocation of the earth's tropical zone to where they both sit now, Egypt turned to sand and the Great Sphinx got almost complete buried in dry sand until the head of it was discovered sticking out of a sanddoon, at which point the whole thing became un-earthed by modern day Archeologists and the water damage discovery being made.
According to Archeologists (not me), the Great Sphinx was carved from one solid piece of stone precisely where it sits today, however the time when this all occurred was PRIOR to the Ice Age and at a time on earth where the north polar ice cap and the south permanent glacial formation over the Continent of Antartica, were geographical located where the present-day equator sits today.
In other words, the polar ice cap and Antartica glacial formation were once very hot and very lush with vegetation, etc. This was also at a time when Egypt was not barren desert but instead was the opposite of what it is today, which was lush farmland.
The Great Sphinx was therefore carved in a area where population thrived until the Ice Age happened, at which point everything on earth migrated 90* degrees around the earth's center, which then covered all the fertile farmland around the world with ice which eventually melted. The resulting fresh water from the melting ice completely submerged the Great Sphinx right where she sat, thereby causing water damage to it which is actually documented in carved lettering on the Sphinx itself which translated means, "structure repaired" which was actually carved into the Sphinx 12,000 years ago!
With the relocation of the polar ice cap over time and the relocation of the earth's tropical zone to where they both sit now, Egypt turned to sand and the Great Sphinx got almost complete buried in dry sand until the head of it was discovered sticking out of a sanddoon, at which point the whole thing became un-earthed by modern day Archeologists and the water damage discovery being made.
being · 36-40, F
There's also this God who's half fish, and maybe was an underwater sculptor