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This is NOT the new Experience Project as the site proclaims;not even close. That site started as an M.S. support site and expanded.
It wa about our EXPERIENCES and an "experience post" appeared on your profile,not on the feed and yet still drew responses...there were even blogs but thats a story for another day. I read peoples most pressing and intimate life circumstances written with a candor that was truly
awesome(a word I seldom use because it has become trivialized to the point of absurdity.
Although the former EP had many many more members(even taking into account the ALTS) there was no need for an *algae-rhythm*
so why the need for one here? Especially if you consider we can block mute,down vote and report any user or post.
What we do have is motivational quotes,mood ring squares..and that handy translate feature for the evidently lost in space iOrbitx site. And the wonderful coagulated groups...I'm a Uncategorized-random fan in this regard but sometimes I opt for back pain.
In truth the pain is a bit lower that that......at least its on the correct side! 😆 I think its dorsal but I could be wrong.
I realize there are people who will never avail themselves of this option,just as there were in the original site and a LOT of people who don't want to be shredded and demeaned on the main page...or ignored..
Something I might have mentioned earlier: not all the experience were about angsty life changing events,not even the majority....
I once wrote a story here about how I would never delete my account....just raise an avatar of a steers head saying you'll be Sorry
This was in reference to the hundreds of cartoons I had seen featuring a scene where a poor dehydrated cowboy in the desert sees a waterhole
and just as hes about to drink the steerhead sez that in a high funny voice...vesige of my mispent youth. The whole piece was probably shorter than my convoluted attempts to explain it but right now I can relate strongly to the cowboy.
Its just a thought..y'all have a great day.
It wa about our EXPERIENCES and an "experience post" appeared on your profile,not on the feed and yet still drew responses...there were even blogs but thats a story for another day. I read peoples most pressing and intimate life circumstances written with a candor that was truly
awesome(a word I seldom use because it has become trivialized to the point of absurdity.
Although the former EP had many many more members(even taking into account the ALTS) there was no need for an *algae-rhythm*
so why the need for one here? Especially if you consider we can block mute,down vote and report any user or post.
What we do have is motivational quotes,mood ring squares..and that handy translate feature for the evidently lost in space iOrbitx site. And the wonderful coagulated groups...I'm a Uncategorized-random fan in this regard but sometimes I opt for back pain.
In truth the pain is a bit lower that that......at least its on the correct side! 😆 I think its dorsal but I could be wrong.
I realize there are people who will never avail themselves of this option,just as there were in the original site and a LOT of people who don't want to be shredded and demeaned on the main page...or ignored..
Something I might have mentioned earlier: not all the experience were about angsty life changing events,not even the majority....
I once wrote a story here about how I would never delete my account....just raise an avatar of a steers head saying you'll be Sorry
This was in reference to the hundreds of cartoons I had seen featuring a scene where a poor dehydrated cowboy in the desert sees a waterhole
and just as hes about to drink the steerhead sez that in a high funny voice...vesige of my mispent youth. The whole piece was probably shorter than my convoluted attempts to explain it but right now I can relate strongly to the cowboy.
Its just a thought..y'all have a great day.