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Zoso75 · 46-50, M
I have "allergies"... All. Year. Round. Good times!

Redman191145 · 41-45, M
Try drinking a half cup of water with the juice from a half of a lemon and two tbsp fresh local honey. Heat it up for about 45 seconds and enjoy. After a couple of days no more allergies
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
I take antihistamines 12 months of the year.
No... But I could think of a few causes... When's the last time you changed your air filter in your house? Do people use a lot of wood instead of gas/electric in your area? Etc.
doodlebug2013 · 41-45, F
No allergies here, but our heat pump really dries out the air in the winter. So I get reddish snot chunks in the mornings. 🤧
Annie1899 · 36-40, F
@doodlebug2013 That's a delightful image. lol
veeceekay1991 · 31-35, F
@doodlebug2013 Yuck! Was that really necessary?
AceWarbringer · 36-40, M
Not usually no. I sometimes get a nasty variation depending on the year. About every five for some reason.

Something will tickle my nose and it's off to sneezeville.
My kid does. Sucks since he also has asthma.
@Annie1899 He's 8. Yeah it really prolongs the issues and adds more problems. He has mold and tree pollen allergies.
Annie1899 · 36-40, F
@SW-User ☹
@Annie1899 Its ok though. Through ER visits and hospital stays he takes it all in stride.
SamHarris · 31-35, M
My allergies are actually rather bad in the Spring, and not so much in Winter or the other seasons.
swl2jo · 56-60, M
My worst ones are in Fall. Winter is probably my best season with allergies.
Pythonkol · 36-40, C
My friend has. His nose turns red during the whole winter. bloom all year long here...sneezes 🤧
Coolkid77 · 31-35, M
Nope, Mine do in the Spring, Summer, and Fall.
TheotherAndy · 41-45, M
I have been too this year for some strange reason?!
Annie1899 · 36-40, F
It looks like the most allergic on SW are the men.
496sbc · 36-40, M
I get them year round

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