Tips :
1. Gargle with salt water and tiny amount of turmeric - thrice a day is good
2. Drink hot soup
3. Drink warm water
4. Apply Vicks
5. Or if you are brave enough like me,
cover your head in a pot of boiling water with vapours of Vicks or equivalent herbal balm in the pot.
1. Gargle with salt water and tiny amount of turmeric - thrice a day is good
2. Drink hot soup
3. Drink warm water
4. Apply Vicks
5. Or if you are brave enough like me,
cover your head in a pot of boiling water with vapours of Vicks or equivalent herbal balm in the pot.
Jungleman · M
@scorpiolovedeep thanks for all your tips, appreciated.
scorpiolovedeep · 51-55, M
You are welcome 🙏 @Jungleman
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
I swear by salt & vinegar chips and a cold Coke. Also it helps to rub Vick’s on your throat and wear a scarf