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If your views are crystallised as to what a Turk is, or what a German is, what will you say you are, based on your nationality?

cotheo · 56-60, M
Jeder hat Erfahrungen, die er im Leben macht, Diese Schubladen helfen einem häufig, um sich auf Situationen besser einstellen zu können. Auf der anderen Seite ist jeder Mensch von einer eigenen Persönlichkeit geprägt, die man sehen muss. Verallgemeinerungen helfen dort eben nicht in jedem Fall nicht. Aus diesem Grunde: Schublade ja, aber immer offen dafür, dass jemand auch aus der Schublade wieder herauskommt.;
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Dshhh · M
Nationality is an artificial construct. I may live in a country but that does not make me the same as everyone else that lives in that country.
I think that kind of crystallization of identity as part of our problem
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Knowing my family history has changed my world view.

It's very, very old. And goes through many countries as well as across two continents.

If that wouldn't debase anyone of any national boundaries, I don't know what would.
The same as every one else trapped on this decaying planet 🙁🌎
I don’t judge on nationality, race, creed, colour or anything else .
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
Alien 👽
My Da was born in Iceland and my Mum was born in Northern Ireland and I was born in the states, so I’m first generation born American of immigrant parents from Iceland and Northern Ireland.
fenomen02 · 46-50, M
well... I am Italian... why don't you start with the usual nasty comments? like pizza, mafia and mandolino... LOL

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