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Duhhhh I had a name brand Coach purse for 10 years and didn't even know it was a big name brand!

Even though it had C's all over it!!! I just found it online
This is worth $335.00 CND I had a bag exactly like this one! That I bought for $40.00 CND at the University of Alberta Hospital when my dear friends 4 year old daughter was having open heart surgery! At the time I didn't know that it was called a Coach bag! I wasn't into name brands, but it lasted me 10 years!! Now I'm seeing these bags everywhere and how hot they are, and I'm like hmm! I feel kindof dumb for not knowing I had a high end bag all along...
This is my friend and her daughter who had the open heart surgery she is doing great now that she is 20!
In this photo you can see me in the middle to the right and my coach bag that I had just bought from the Hospital! I don't know why the purse is more important than the story about the little girl who had open heart surgery, it's not! The little girl has a backwards heart, and it's on the right side of her chest instead of her left side like everyone else....She had a leaky valve and the Doctors had to close it up. Before the surgery the little girl's lips and fingernails would always turn blue every day....She's had a hard life with health scares...But she has a strong heart...They used her case to put into the Medical Journals because it's so rare. We had many people from EP praying for her! The young girl grew up to be a fire cracker, she is full of spirit, she's happy, and fun to be around! I absolutely love that young lady...One time when she was just 4 years old, I was putting her down to sleep and I let her listen to my ipod with some soothing music, and she pointed to me and said I choose you!!! She touched my heart! I'll never forget that!....

There you go two/three stories in one! Sorry for all the meandering! I should be sleeping!
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HumanEarth · F
I remember all of this and that little girl from when I was on EP. I remember all of this, It's amazing how somethings all comes back to you in one post.

So she did survive, that's awesome
saintsong · 41-45, F
@HumanEarth Wow!!! This is amazing that you remembered her too?! God Bless you! She's doing great!
HumanEarth · F
I didn't at first. Then I got further along and my brain started working. Like this story seems too familiar then you bring up the EP part. Then I'm hooked and I'm reading and reading. That's when everything starts coming back.

I left EP after closed down and I went to another site, They got stupid after a few of them. I finely came here. I have been close to two years now.

Thanks for the update on the little girl. It's nice to here good news for a change instead of all this bad we always hear about all the time.
daydeeo · 61-69, M
Thanks for starting my day on such a positive note! ☺

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