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Rustic Americana In Nature 🇺🇸🌳🌿🌸

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Ode To Rustic Americana

This truck has seen many days
The miles , the people that once owned it
It still has a special heartbeat placed here in nature to continue on as a reminder of what once was. The rust has taken over that special blue, but, it will forever remain rustic Americana. Never forget what once was. Pure nostalgia.
kodiac · 22-25, M
Awesome shots found these last winter .Forgoten heros at one time they were used for work or transporting families
kodiac · 22-25, M
@SW-User True lol
@kodiac A man with a big heart and little words. 🧐
kodiac · 22-25, M
@SW-User 🩵
I love this collection of photographs. I'm one who loves the aesthetics of old, and equally love when I can find them decaying, becoming part of the land again. Nice use of b&w upon the details of the truck itself. I also love seeing things repurposed and being reclaimed.

Nice to see you getting your photography bug alive. 😊
@SW-User You are in your own way.... I can picture that joy you have found seeing those baby daisies, or stalking those birds. I want that play in my heart. How can I say as a photographer at heart? It's not the details of the camera that shine - some of them have just been how you composed the image in composition, mmmkay? I honestly play with my view in my viewfinder (old word now), until I feel I have it just right... And some of your compositions, in composition, just have the right aesthetic and perspective, from where this leaf should exist here, that leaf unfolding should be there, and it can be a simple shift of perspective and sight... Let that leaf hold its texture, abundant there, and it would not hold the same quality not there. 🥺
@thewindupbirdchronicles Thank you for such an encouraging comment. I'm trying to develop some skills, if you call it that, but more so, I'm just having fun. You know ....💟🤭's
@SW-User I'm just saying you have a natural eye for composition. 😉 Keep having fun as that's the true purpose and continue having those 💟🤭's. 😉
As a nostalgic at heart, I adore these pictures.😊💖
I love when people use these types of displays. I don't have an old truck turned into a flower planter in my yard, but I do have rustic flower planters inside my home for decor. My home is very eclectic; new mixed with a whole lotta old items. I love repurposing antique items from window panes, lamps, pieces of furniture etc. I'll intentionally make something new appear old as well.

Your captures are wonderful too.📷 I'm so glad you enjoyed your venture yesterday and for showing us something that made your heart smile along the way 💟🪻
@SW-User I'm very glad you adore these pictures.....I saw it just sitting alone out on a country road. Someone turned it into a planter and just made it beautiful again. You and I are both nostalgic at heart.....I also repurpose antiques and such when it strikes. I haven't done it for awhile. I think I'm getting that kick again to do it. I like a home to be eclectic at best. This style of antique truck has always been a favorite of my favorite color, blue. 😉

I'm getting the photography bug again.....glad you did truly enjoy the captures. It felt good getting out and driving the country roads. This definitely did make my heart smile and I truly wanted to share here! 🤗💜🌼💫🙏
This could be seen as nostalgia - and I was reflecting upon it tonight - holds less of nature, but I'm really one who does call people part of nature, and it does evoke the emotions of old -

@thewindupbirdchronicles This is a great addition here.....memories of what once was. Looking here and thinking who or what may have been here. Wonderful photo with B & W. The light shining in just right. Nice shot. ☺️
@SW-User Thank you. 'Looking here and thinking who or what may have been here.' Exactly. I know what it once was, an old worker's cottage for a mill just beside turned into a fancy hotel, but that's only the surface of thinking of who or what may have been here. What did they appreciate looking out the back window upon the river, when did they start the wood fireplace, and on? Many stories upon those floorboards. I loved the light shining in and what caught me originally. 😌
@thewindupbirdchronicles It's honestly a beautiful B&W with so many thoughts and wonders. Nostalgia always has played a part in my life and in some of the photos I've taken as well. It's wonderful to have two fellow nostalgics right here with me. That light is perfect and striking to add to your subject. ☺️
ShaneMckay · 41-45, M
I have a 1961 Ford. He just sits there. No flowers, no nothing, except memories .
ShaneMckay · 41-45, M
@ShaneMckay Very sad .
@ShaneMckay I understand totally.....🤗
ShaneMckay · 41-45, M
@SW-User He was a very dear, very hard working friend. Never complained. And, then, one day, . . .
fun4us2b · M
My Grandfather had a truck same color, like that one. It was in perfect condition then....
@fun4us2b I find these trucks amazing.....they were built to last......I found this one yesterday when I was out on a drive to clear my mind. It was just on the roadside on its own where someone added special touches to the nostalgia. ☺️

That is very cool that your grandfather had one that was the same color. Hopefully, I brought some good memories for you. 🙏💫
fun4us2b · M
@SW-User It does - I was probably 3-5 yo and the truck was load and bumpy in comparison to a car, which I thought was great fun!
@fun4us2b I bet it was.....nostalgia is the best....☺️
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
Awesome photos. Thanks
@GJOFJ3 you're welcome G. glad you liked them. ☺️
So lovely! 💜
@TheFlippantSide Thank you very much......I'm very nostalgic....💙 Glad you enjoyed them.
Musicman · 61-69, M
That just struck me as so sad. 😢
@Musicman Awww that's totally okay......just didn't want my post to make you sad. 🤗
Musicman · 61-69, M
@SW-User It makes me happy just knowing you care. 🤗🤗🤗
@Musicman I do my dear friend!! 🤗🤗🤗

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