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What is the point of posting pictures you've found on the web?

If it is really you, or your partner and you're posting with their consent, then fine. But, we can all easily find this artificial stuff.
This is really me though
Better than admitting that I have no life and live in my ma's basement wearing a filthy dressing gown while I fap over pictures like these??? 🤔
For some reason, some of the people on here get all hot and bother seeing a photo shop picture of a nude female or male..
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
It's mostly for attention. Even the text posts are for attention. Just the type of attention is different.

The pictures of others? "I like this type of picture". Therefore drawing people of similar likes to themselves.
why do you care what people post? isn't sw a place that people come to be accepted and be who they want to be?????
Oh, I thought memes, gifs and stuff. I’m out of here, do keep continuing.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
It’s for attention

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