@MellyMel22 i am an Indian lol I live in Mumbai. You definitely have Indian features. Haha you know it's funny but i was called Italian and Spanish when i was in Germany.
Rest just think I'm caucasian. But noooo I'm a pure Indian Lol
@SW-User I’ve been mistaken for Hispanic most of my life. People still come up to me speaking Spanish. Europeans visiting the area have asked where in Europe I’m from and I’ve been mistaken for Arab as well. There are men who come to work months at a time at a gas station I go to and they’re from India. Almost every one of them asked if I was Indian. One was from another area of India and said he could tell I was from Europe 🤣
@MellyMel22 You sure you didn't have ancestors who visited my country? 🤭 My ancestors were from kashmir and the theory is European Aryans invaded India and settled in Kashmir and hence most West and North Indians have light skin tone.
My best friend is confused to be American because she's three times fairwe than me and has golden hair
I had golden hair most part of my childhood and they suddenly became brown.
My pfp is my recent pic and this is from December 2021
@SW-User Your look reminds me of a longterm friend here, maybe you are both from the same part of India. I’m fairer than I am naturally b/c as a teen I was given something way too strong for my skin according to the dr I saw later who said it literally bleached my skin 😡 My arms are much darker than my face. My parents were both always an olive complexion. Not sure if it’s the black and white pic, but they appear fair-ish here and weren’t ever. They are the 2 standing.
@MellyMel22 Hello American girl, I know that about you but your Grandparents make you Italian American. Being Italian is the coolest thing in the world. Italians have the coolest accent.
So far, i find women from two countries the most beautiful. 1) Italy 2) Iran 3) Rest of the world
Don't be under the impression that Indians have darker skin tone. It's a stereotype. When i was called a caucasian i took an offense because my skin tone is very much Indian.
@SW-User Whatever, i can identify Asians from miles. God has made all of us different for a reason i guess. Each to their own, I say all women are beautiful.