Make a drawing and use it as a display picture
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LittleMissMaja · 22-25, F
@madbroom If you can't draw with your hand, maybe try digital art? I'm okay at drawing, but working in Adobe Illustrator is so much easier for me than working on paper.
madbroom · 22-25, T
@LittleMissMaja I'm not too sure about that either. I still don't know what I would draw, I have no control of my hand using my mouse, and I'm just lazy.
LittleMissMaja · 22-25, F
@madbroom The beauty of digital art is that you don't actually have to draw at all (You can, but often that just makes life harder). I started experimenting in a free vector graphics program called Inkscape a while ago, and I managed to make some okay stuff with no experience or direction. Really though, if you can't be bothered to find or make something, I might be able to make something for you.
Goralski · 56-60, M
D More you know