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Day 1 of I dunno how many.

Starting slow, but I’m going to try to use this to document specific aspects of daily life.
Most days I try to stick to one coffee. Usually my go to is a venti black cold brew, today I felt fancy and got whatever the hell this thing was, white chocolate something or other.
Lilymoon · F
it's gotta be good if it's white chocolate 😏
DisappearingTide · 31-35, M
@Lilymoon it isss. I can’t get it often because it’s sweet but I decided to deviate from discipline today.
Lilymoon · F
@DisappearingTide change is always good
DisappearingTide · 31-35, M
@Lilymoon true. Change is good, white chocolate is better.
I dont know what it is but I want it 😍
DisappearingTide · 31-35, M
@DisappearingTide I think it’s the seasonal cold brew option. You should try it you’ll like it
@DisappearingTide i don't have Starbucks. Have scooters. Wonder if they'll have it
DisappearingTide · 31-35, M
@Bexsy I hope for your sake that they do
I like it....the b & w adds to the everyday photo!! ☺️

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