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White Bull

White Bull (April 1849 – June 21, 1947) was the nephew of Sitting Bull, and a famous warrior in his own right. White Bull participated in the Battle of the Little Bighorn on June 25, 1876. For years it was rumored that White Bull boasted of killing Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer at the infamous battle. However, others who knew White Bull claim that he never made that statement but instead admitted to struggling with Custer.Born in the Black Hills in South Dakota, White Bull came from a prominent Sioux family. He was the son of Makes Room, a Miniconjou chief and the brother of One Bull. After the battle, White Bull joined his uncle, Hunkpapa Sioux leader Sitting Bull, while fleeing to Canada. Also, young Chief Solomon "Smoke" and Chief No Neck (Lakota: Tȟahú Waníče) (these two chiefs were the sons of the old Chief Smoke 1774–1864), fled with White Bull and Sitting Bull and their bands to Canada.
White Bull surrendered to government troops in 1876. He eventually became a chief, replacing his father Chief Makes Room upon his death. He acted as a judge of the Court of Indian Offenses, and was a proponent of Lakota land claims in the Black Hills. White Bull died in South Dakota in 1947.
White Bull's relationship to his uncle made him an important contributor to Stanley Vestal's biography of Sitting Bull.
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I’m from that area. I have friends that had relation that were Involved in the 1973 revolt at Wounded Knee and were members of AIM (American Indian Movement.) They mostly don’t like white people but they liked me. I don’t call the Lakota or Dakota people Sioux, though. The word nadouessioux was created by French traders and later adopted by the English as just sioux. It is said to come from the Ojibwe word natowessiwak meaning “little snakes”, as the Lakota were traditionally enemies of the Ojibwe. So, Sioux was a disrespectful name given to them by their enemies.
@JustGoneNow it's not stalking , it's responding. I like
@Zenbra cool. some people just see it differently and I always try to be respectful. ty 😊🖤🤗
@JustGoneNow thank you
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
His uncle made special guest appearances in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show long after Little Big Horn.
@Barefooter25 really? That's interesting

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