DFDGsdfffss · M
Thats a rude thing to call a woman walking from walmart.
tatysuma · 36-40, F
That's not a women it's a bull and the shot was taken by publix
DFDGsdfffss · M
@tatysuma: I was trying to make a joke.
tatysuma · 36-40, F
@Chrintelle: lol I got that it was kinda funny
yeronlyman · 51-55, M
That's not a cow it's a bull
tatysuma · 36-40, F
Lol opps wrote the wrong thing, but yah,I know
yeronlyman · 51-55, M
And he's not castrated by the look of him
That animal can be very dangerous
And don't wear red lol
And he's not castrated by the look of him
That animal can be very dangerous
And don't wear red lol
tatysuma · 36-40, F
Yah I know there was a few cow's there and some babies I'm sure he fathered. And I used a good zoom lens so I don't have to get to close